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David J. Silvester (online CV; wikipedia entry; complete list of publications)
I have a Chair in Numerical Analysis and I work in the Mathematics department at the University of Manchester.
My preferred email address is d.silvester (at)
I have supervised a number of PhD students and postdoctoral researchers over my academic career.
Some of my work is pretty highly cited: see Google Scholar or Researcher ID.
Please refer to my BiBTeX database if you want to cite my work.
I also have a distinguished academic ancestry. (My Erdös number is 3.)
I like to connect with students using Twitter.
I am a member of the Academy for the Mathematical Sciences advisory board.

Check out the current release ( 3.7 ) of the Incompressible Flow & Iterative Solver Software (IFISS) Matlab and Octave toolbox. This open source software package is associated with the second edition of Finite Elements and Fast Iterative Solvers with applications in incompressible fluid dynamics.
The extension to three-dimensions is a recent development.

Check out our highly-regarded (SUMS) textbook on Essential PDEs using Amazon books.

My video tutorials on modelling incompressible flow may also be of interest.



This page is owned by David Silvester.