Lecture 1: Essentials of the R language

A direct R translation of the introductory practical on ‘Essentials of Stata’.

David Selby https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/david.selby.html (Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis)https://www.cfe.manchester.ac.uk

This worksheet is based on the first lecture of the Statistical Modelling in Stata course, created by Dr Mark Lunt and offered by the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis at the University of Manchester. The original Stata exercises and solutions are here translated into their R equivalents.

Refer to the original slides and Stata worksheets here.

As a direct transliteration of the ‘Essentials of the Stata Language’, this guide is not intended to be a canonical introduction to R. Rather, it is meant as a demonstration and explanation of how R compares to Stata. Some concepts in the Stata language do not necessarily apply to the R language, or are approached with a different philosophy. Where these divergences are significant, I will do my best to give an explanation.

For a more standard introduction to R, consider reading through the official guide An Introduction to R or check out the page on Getting Help with R. There are also many free online tutorials and resources on the web, for example the book R for Data Science. Consider subscribing to R-bloggers!

Basic concepts

R is a command line scripting language. You can run it directly from a command line or terminal, but most users prefer some kind of graphical user interface (GUI). When you download R, it comes with a very basic GUI that is little more than a command window and a script editor.

RStudio is a very popular integration development environment (IDE) for R. Essentially, it acts like an advanced terminal and text editor for your R scripts, but with added quality of life features like auto-completion, keyboard shortcuts and built-in tools for debugging, creating new documents or getting help. Other tools are available, including Emacs Speaks Statistics, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA, which offer similar levels of features. These IDEs (including RStudio) can also be used with other programming languages, not just R.

You do not need an IDE to write or run R code, but it helps!

Main R windows

If you open up RGui (on your desktop the program will be called something like R x64 4.0.3) you will get an interface something like in Figure 1. The R Console is a command line where you can enter R commands and see text-based output. Open or create a new script and the R Editor will open. This is where you should actually write your analysis code, as you can rerun, save and retrieve whole files (saved with the .R extension) rather than just type one line at a time. In the console you can use the up and down arrow keys to repeat previously-typed lines of code.

Another window that might appear during your analysis is the Data window, essentially a primitive spreadsheet viewer for inspecting tabular datasets. Access it using the View(dataset) function, where dataset is the name of the object you want to look at. Finally, the R Graphics Device is a window for previewing plots and visualisations. You don’t have to view them here—you can alternatively save plots directly to a file and open them in your favourite image viewer.

The basic R graphical user interface

Figure 1: The basic R graphical user interface

By default, everything you type is saved to a log file called .Rhistory, which will appear in My Documents, or your working directory. However, don’t rely on this: you are much better off organising your code into R scripts or R Markdown documents.

Chances are, you may never actually use this R GUI, as you may prefer to use an IDE. RStudio and other programs have a similar set of windows, sometimes arranged differently and with extra functionality (such as a dedicated window for viewing help files and vignettes).

Command syntax

R is a fully-fledged functional programming language, with (some) object-orientated features. More details on the syntax are covered in An Introduction to R so here we’ll just compare it with Stata.

A function in R takes the form fun(args) where fun is the name of the function and args are arguments (parameters, options, inputs) passed to it. Different functions take different numbers of arguments; some take none at all. A function is analogous to a Stata command, but unlike Stata there is no particular distinction between a varlist and options; all are passed as arguments.

If you want to inspect an object, type its name or value.

[1] 42
[1] 3.141593

Every action in R is a function invocation, and if you don’t specify a function explicitly then it is inferred as a call to print(). The above commands are implicitly the same as:

[1] 42
[1] 3.141593

In this case, the function is print() and the arguments are respectively the literal value 42 and the numeric variable pi.

On this page, if you click on function names in code blocks (like above) then it will take you to the help page for that function.

Every ‘thing’ in R is an object, even functions themselves. This means you can inspect it, assign it to a variable and pass it to a function.

In R, most objects are immutable, which means simply applying a function to it does not change its value or properties. You need to assign or re-assign the result of a function invocation to a symbol (a variable name) for it to have any effect1. Thus, if you want to get any work done, you could assign the results of each function call to variable. The exception to this is printing or viewing results, plotting, or saving data to disk. These are side effects and need not change variables in your workspace.

To list all objects currently in your globally-accessible workspace, call


and to end (quit) the R session, call


These are examples of functions that can be called without any arguments. Most of the time, a function needs the name of one or more variables. For example,


will produce common summary statistics (mean, median, quartiles) of the age variable (assuming it exists), and

lm(height ~ age + gender)

will fit a linear model to predict height as an additive function of age and gender.

Look in the documentation for a function to see what optional arguments it takes. For example,

summary(age, digits = 1)

yields the same summary statistics given to one significant figure.

Repeating previous commands

The command that has just been entered can be brought back to the console using the up arrow key. Pressing this key repeatedly will bring back all of the previous function calls. Press the down arrow key to get more recent commands. In RStudio, there is also a History tab listing everything executed that session (and, depending on your settings, between sessions).

Variable name completion

If you enter the beginning of a variable or function name and then press the Tab key, R will complete the variable name as much as possible. If there are several possible completions, it will complete as far as possible and wait for further input.

Manipulating variables

Creating and modifying variables


The simplest command to create a new variable is the assignment operator, <-. (You can also use an equals sign =, though the <- operator has special properties that the equals sign doesn’t.)

For example, if the date of birth is stored in the variable date_of_birth and the date the questionnaire was filled in is stored in date_of_quest, then the subject’s age at the time the questionnaire was completed can be calculated as

age <- as.numeric(date_of_quest - date_of_birth) / 365.25

Test this yourself, using as.Date() to enter your own birthday and Sys.Date() to automatically generate today’s date. How old are you in years? If I were born on 2 January 1990 then I am

(age <- as.numeric(Sys.Date() - as.Date('1990-01-02')) / 365.25)
[1] 31.08282

years old, on the day that this page was generated.

Note. Normally assignment is an invisible operation (nothing is printed), but wrapping the expression in brackets means the value is also printed to the console.

In Stata, you need to drop a variable before assigning to it, if that name already exists, or use the replace command. In R, the left hand side is always overwritten. If, for some reason, you wanted to emulate the Stata behaviour, you could write a conditional expression like

if (exists(age)) {
  stop('age already exists')
} else {
  age <- as.numeric(date_of_quest - date_of_birth) / 365.25

Data types

R’s common data types are:

  1. logical (TRUE, FALSE)
  2. integer (1L, 2L, 3L)
  3. double (1.5, 2e3)
  4. complex (1+2i, 0-3i)
  5. character ("hello, world!")
  6. factor (categorical with discrete and specified levels)
  7. list (nested structures, e.g. list(1, 2, 3))
  8. NULL (empty; a vector of length zero)
  9. closure (i.e. a function, e.g. mean(), print())

Apart from functions, there’s no such thing as a scalar; everything is a vector of some length (possibly zero or one). If a vector is supplied a mixture of types, elements will be coerced to whichever type is the most complex. Watch as this vector changes its class every time we add new elements:

x <- TRUE
[1] "logical"
x <- c(x, 2L)
[1] "integer"
x <- c(x, 3.14)
[1] "numeric"
x <- c(x, 1 - 2i)
[1] "complex"
x <- c(x, 'hello')
[1] "character"
x <- c(x, mean)
[1] "list"

Each of these types can be stored in different data structures.

  1. vectors (all elements same type)
  2. matrices (2-dimensional, all elements same type)
  3. arrays (n-dimensional generalisation of matrix)
  4. list (a collection of vectors, not necessarily the same type or length)
  5. data frame (a list of vectors of equal length)

There is no exactly equivalent of a label, but vectors can have names, rows and columns in arrays and data frames can have rownames and colnames, and more generally dimensions can have dimnames. Objects may also have attributes, which are metadata stored alongside it.

Missing values

Missing values in R are represented by NA (not available). You can check if elements are missing using is.na()

x <- c(1, NA, 3, 4)

the logical values TRUE and FALSE are numerically equal to 1 and 0, respectively. You can use this to count the number or proportion of missing values in a vector.

[1] 1
[1] 0.25

Complementarily, count the number of non-missing values by negating the expression with the ! (‘not’) operator.

[1] 3
[1] 0.75

For display purposes, you can convert logical values to numeric types.

[1] 1
[1] 0
[1] 0 1 0 0

The reverse is also true. Zero is coerced to FALSE, while any non-zero value is equivalent to TRUE.

if (42)
  print('Hello, world!')
[1] "Hello, world!"

Missingness is not the same thing as emptiness. An NA means ‘there should be an element here, but we don’t know its value’. An empty vector has no elements in it, missing or otherwise.

[1] 0
[1] 0
[1] 0

Apply is.na to an empty vector and you will get neither TRUE, nor FALSE; just an empty (logical) vector.


If you want to check a set is empty, use length(). What does the following expression return?

x <- c(-1, -2, -3, -4)
pos <- x[x > 0]
if (length(pos)) {
} else print('No positive numbers in x')
[1] "No positive numbers in x"

Selecting variables

In Stata, drop and keep allow you to remove or keep subsets of variables in a dataset.

In R, variables are immutable, so in general you cannot, strictly speaking, actually modify objects in place. You can, however, replace the entire object with a manipulated copy of the same.

I can subset a vector to exclude negative numbers, but unless I reassign the result, the object itself is not changed.

x <- c(-1, 0, 2)
x[x > 0]       # prints positive elements
[1] 2
x              # unchanged
[1] -1  0  2
x <- x[x > 0]  # replaces x with a modified copy
x              # new x
[1] 2

You can also remove an object from the workspace completely using rm().

x <- 42
[1] 42
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x' not found

You can also replace objects in place. For example, this replaces all negative values with zeros.

x <- c(-1, 0, 2)
x[x < 0] <- 0
[1] 0 0 2

Check what variables are currently in your workspace using ls() or the RStudio Environment tab.

Formatting variables

See ?format.

Manipulating datasets


Readings and saving data

Combining datasets

Other dataset manipulation commands


The function View() opens a small spreadsheet viewer. It works with most data structures, not just data frames. You cannot edit data in this view, but you shouldn’t want to, anyway. In RStudio, you can also access this view by clicking on an object in the Environment tab.

save and read

You can save your workspace to disk using save and restore it again with read. The data is stored in an .RData file. By default, R or RStudio will offer to do this for you at the start and end of each session. Always say no! It’s good hygiene to start with a completely new workspace each session.

You can save individual R objects (rather than the whole workspace) to file using saveRDS, and retrieve them again with readRDS. Only use this if you plan to pick up work where you left off or transfer objects between computers. If saving data for others, use a more universal format, like CSV or json.

  1. Strictly speaking, assign() (an alias for the assignment operator <-) is also a function, whose side effect is to map objects to symbols/names.↩︎