JLA Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss: Children’s survey demographic summary


Anisa Visram


August 1, 2024

A survey was conducted under the JLA framework.

The data below are from the children’s surveys (released 21st May 2024). The surveys closed on 31st July. Below is the demographic data of the full dataset.

1 Numbers and types of respondent

  • Total number of respondents providing at least one question: 22.

  • Total number of respondents providing at least one question from younger english survey: 18.

  • Total number of respondents providing at least one question from older english survey: 4.

  • There were no valid responses from either (older or younger) BSL surveys

  • Total number of questions submitted: 48.

2 Deomgraphic data

2.1 Location

2.2 Ethnicity

2.3 Gender

2.4 Use of devices and communication

‘Other’ devices/communication entered were: A little bit of sign language, I use a small amount of sign to support communication, Baha, Ear loops, I only use sign supported English with my deaf Grandparents

2.5 Date of responses