maskvol − Build mask, boxcar-smoothing within mask |
maskvol [-p presmooth [-q npre]] {-[g|s|a] thres} [-o maskoutput] [-b bx by bz] [-m readmaskfile] [-l siglevel] inputvolume outputvolume |
Applies a mask to a volume. Smoothes of the image within mask is supported. outputvolume is the smoothed inputvolume with respect to the mask. A presmoothing step before determining the mask is is controlled with -p (size of cubic box filter) and -q (number of times to apply the box filter). Note that the smoothed volume is discarded after the mask has been computed. The mask is 1 where voxels values x in the (optionally presmoothed) input volume satisfy (x-min)/(max/min) > thres. The min and max may either be slice based (-s) or global (-g). The last type is absolute (-a) where mask = x > thres. The 3 thresholds may be used simultaneoulsly. Ex. maskvol -g 0.1 -s 0.3 -a 100 mask volume All volumes have to be same size and they are converted to BYTE format internally. outputvolume is the smoothed input volume in FLOAT format. -p size of cubic presmoother filter (voxels). Default is 0 -q Number of times to run the presmoother, 0 default -g, -s, -a Global, slice, absolute thresholds. Default 0. -b bx by bz Size of smoother within mask, default 0. -o maskoutput is the mask volume in BYTE format (1’s and 0’s). -m readmaskfile may be specified to use a custom mask file. The ’inputvolume’ will be smoothed according to this mask instead. -l level controls amount of information displayed when run,use ’info’,’std’ or ’silent’ |
Ulrik Kjems <> |
gauss_vol(1), histo_vols(1), subsample(1), file2vapet(1), file2ana(1), file2xprime(1), headerinfo(1), resize_vol(1), convert_vol(1), covar(1), flip(1), region(1), compute_warp(1), warp_reslice(1), warp_reconcile(1) |