connect3d - 3D Connected component analysis |
connect3d [ -b | -c ] [-m mincomponentsize] [-i infolvl] infile outfile |
Make a 3D connected components analysis of the volume infile. The output volume consists of 32 bit integers of same size with 0 background, 1 for largest connected component, 2 for second largest etc. The input volume is regarded as a binary (zero/non-zero) volume by default. (-b option specifies binary). In this case only one output volume is created. In discrete mode (-c option), one output volume is created for each integer pixel value (0..max value). -m minsize specifies minimum component size returned (smaller set to 0) |
Ulrik Kjems <> |
gauss_vol(1), histo_vols(1), subsample(1), file2vapet(1), file2ana(1), file2xprime(1), headerinfo(1), resize_vol(1), convert_vol(1), covar(1), flip(1), region(1), compute_warp(1), warp_reslice(1), warp_reconcile(1) |