Dr Qingming Li¨s current research interests are listed. If you are interested

in research collaboration, consultation or Ph.D study, please contact me via


School of Mechanical, Aerospace & Civil Engineering
C15 Pariser Building, The University of Manchester
PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK

Tel: +44 (0)161 3065740; Fax: +44 (0)161 3063849

E-mail: qingming.li@manchester.ac.uk



Research Projects & Areas of Research Interests.

       Penetration and Perforation Mechanics

       Analysis and Design of Containment Vessels

       Dynamic Strength of Concrete

       Low Velocity Impact Damage of Foam-Filled Sandwich Structures

       Atomic and Multi-Scale Modelling

       Behaviour of Rubber-Toughened Polymers at High Strain Rates

       Burning Rate of HE at High Pressure

       Protective Materials & Technology (cellular foams, cellular concrete)

       Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses


My research experience and expertise are shown in my full publication list


Research Facilities

       Drop hammers (16kJ, 10m/s)

       Gas Guns (50-500m/s)

       Explosion Vessel (200g TNT)

       Transient Data Acquisition

       Software (ABAQUS, LS-DYNA, MATLAB)


We have collaborating accesses to

       High-Speed Rotating Machinery Laboratory at Zhejiang University;

       State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science & Technology at Beijing Institute of Technology for

high-speed and large calibre guns and explosion chambers (up to 5kg TNT)









Research Seminars and Conferences

We held regular research seminars in the group on above research subjects. Please contact Y.B.Lu if

you are interested in attending it or giving a relevant talk. We are jointly organising 7th International

Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures in Beijing on October 17-19, 2007.