We recently presented our analysis of tracer kinetic modelling for gadoxetate-enhanced MRI in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma at the British and Irish Chapter of the ISMRM's 25th annual meeting in Sheffield. Our presentation was awarded the best power pitch - a format in which presenters have a strictly enforced 3 minutes to introduce and "sell" their research. A screencast of our pitch is available here, and the associated poster here.
A full paper of describing our research is currently under review.
DCE analysis in the QBI lab has long been performed using a highly optimised C++ program MaDym. Since I joined the lab in 2017, I have been working to update this software, adding functionality (for example implementing the model framework presented in our Milano-Gadoxetate work above) and making it more user friendly, adding wrappers in Python and Matlab to the main functions. The new software is available via GitLab. While we are tidying up legacy code, access is currently by invitation only, please email me, or visit by GitLab page if you would like an invitation. However, I will be working with the recently formed Open Source Initiative for Perfusion Imaging, with the aim of making the software fully publicly available in the future.
Within the lab, I am working on several research projects, as well having a more general remit for managing the lab's codebase. Current interests include:
I will be published more details on this work as and when I can.
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