on Combustion & Flame Instabilities in Confined Geometries
17-18 July 2024
Joel Daou & Prabakaran Rajamanickam
Combustion and flame instabilities in
confined geometries is an active area of research which contributes to
expanding our fundamental knowledge of combustion phenomena and to
addressing several practical issues concerned with net-zero emissions and
power generation in micro-combustion devices. This two-day
international conference intends to bring together experts in the field of
combustion to share their research findings and ideas, through
presentations based on their theoretical, numerical and experimental
investigations. The conference also aims to serve as a forum for the
exchange and stimulation of creative ideas, and for the initiation of new
research and collaborations in the field.
All presentations will take place in Frank
Adams Room 1 in the Alan
Turing Building of the Department
of Mathematics at the University
of Manchester. The building is 20 minutes walk from the city centre
and 15 minutes walk from Piccadilly or Oxford Road train stations; see
how to get here.
Day 1 (17th July)
09:00 09:15: Registration
09:15 09:25: Opening Remarks and
09:30 10:00: Paul Ronney, University
of Southern California, USA, (Flame propagation in
narrow channels: What Darrieus and Landau didn't tell you?)
10:00 10:30: Daniel
Fernandez Galisteo, CIEMAT, Spain, (Numerical study of confinement effects on
premixed-gas flame propagation)
10:30 10:50:
Benny Cohen, University
of Southern California, USA, (Physics-Informed
Neural Networks in quasi-2D combustion)
10:50 11:15: Coffee break
11:15 11:45:
Hong Im, KAUST, Saudi Arabia,
(Characteristics of laminar and
turbulent flame-wall interaction)
11:45 12:15: Bruno
Denet, Aix-Marseille University, France,
(Gravity effects on flames propagating in
Hele-Shaw cells)
12:15 13:30: Lunch
13:30 14:00: Joel
Daou, University of
Manchester, UK, (The
coupling between Saffman-Taylor and Darrieus-Landau instabilities and the
effect of Taylor dispersion on premixed flames)
14:00 14:30: Christophe
Almarcha, Aix-Marseille University, France,
(Experimental flame propagation in
Hele-Shaw configuration)
14:30 15:00: Zheng
Chen, Peking University, China,
of ultra-lean hydrogen/air flame in a Hele-Shaw cell: a computational
15:00 15:20: Coffee break
15:20 15:50: Carmen
CIEMAT, Spain, (Flame
stabilization by a highly conductive cylinder: multiple steady-state
solutions and dynamics)
15:50 16:20: Raphael
Assier, University of Manchester, UK,
(A combustion instability model
accounting for dynamic flame-flow-acoustic interactions)
Day 2 (18th July)
09:00 09:30: Paul
Clavin, Aix-Marseille University, France,
(Intrinsic mechanism of
deflagration-to-detonation transition for laminar flame in tubes)
09:30 10:00: Daniel Martνnez Ruiz, Technical
University of Madrid, Spain,
(Transient dynamics of lean hydrogen
premixed flames in narrow channels)
10:00 10:30: Jorge Yanez, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Germany,
(2D self-drifting flame-balls)
10:30 10:50: Coffee break
10:50 11:10: Kaoru
Tohoku University, Japan, (On
premixed combustion regimes: Experiments and novel fundamental analyses)
11:30: Akira Tsunoda, Tohoku University, Japan, (Explosive
transition of deflagration in counterflow field)
11:30 11:50: Youhi Morii, Tohoku University, Japan, (Explosive
transition of deflagration, Novel theory on ignition and deflagration: New
insights from knocking study)
11:50 12:20: Vadim
Kurdyumov/Carmen Jimιnez,
CIEMAT, Spain,
(Edge-flames in circular channels:
multiplicity of steady-state axisymmetric solutions)
12:20 13:30: Lunch
13:30 13:50:
Jack King, University of Manchester, UK,
(High-order mesh-free methods for
combustion problems)
13:50 14:20: Prabakaran
University of Manchester, UK, (Dynamics
of premixed and diffusion flames aligned parallel to a shear flow in
narrow channels)
14:20 14:45: Kaname Matsue, Kyushu
University, Japan, (On
studies of flame dynamics based on bifurcation theory)
14:45 15:00: Coffee break
15:00 15:20: Faisal
Al-Malki, Taif University,
Saudi Arabia, (Triple-flame
propagation against a Poiseuille flow in a channel with porous walls)
15:20 15:40:
Aiden Kelly,
University of Manchester, UK, (Propagation
and 3D instabilities of premixed flames in a narrow-channel flow)
15:40: Discussion and closing remarks
Click here for available abstracts.
Conference Hotel
The recommended and most convenient hotel for the conference is the
REGENCY MANCHESTER which is located about 500m (8 min walk)
from the conference venue.
Conference Dinner
There will be a conference dinner
held at 7pm on Wednesday 17th July for the conference speakers at this restaurant.
For other registered participants (non speakers), please contact us if
you are interested in joining the dinner.
Lunch Options
Click here for a few options for a quick lunch
close to the conference venue.
The conference is open to all
interested individuals free of charge. To attend please fill this
short registration form.
joel.daou@manchester.ac.uk or prabakaran.rajamanickam@manchester.ac.uk