Ian Robert Dennell

Contact Details

Email: ian.dennell@manchester.ac.uk

Telephone: +44 161 275 0684
Fax: +44 161 275 6800

Postal address:

Research Computing Services, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

Ian Dennell

Further Information

Educational Qualifications - BSc (Hons) Physics (University of Manchester, 1992)

I have been working for the AGSC since December 2005. Recently I've been in charge of co-ordinating the QA tests making sure that nodes keep their QA testing up to date and performing the tests. I was also heavy involved in the redesign of the website and in the recording of the training movies.

Before joining the AGSC I worked in IT support for 8 years, including 6 years as a regional support technician supporting video conferencing, PCs, servers, telephones and networks.


Ian Dennell Galaxy17

Ian Dennell ADSL24 Galaxy17