Gregory Lane-Serff
Teaching Pages
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The modules I teach at the moment are:
Undergraduate (BEng, years 1 to 3 MEng)
1st year Civil Engineering Programmes, First Semester: I teach sections A to C of this module, Dr D D Apsley sections D to F.
Hydraulics 1
1st year Civil Engineering Programmes, Second Semester.
Water Engineering 1
2nd year Civil Engineering Programmes, Second Semester.
I teach the sections dealing with hydrology and high rainfall (unit hydrographs and reservoir routing). The module is co-ordinated by Dr Rob Young, who teaches the sections dealing with water quality and water and wastewater treatment.
Masters (4th year MEng)
Water Engineering 2
4th year (MEng) Civil Engineering Programmes, First Semester. The bulk of this course is taught by Dr Rob Young, I teach the sections dealing with modelling advection, diffusion and reaction of contaminants in rivers and streams, including oxygen depletion.
Design 4
4th year (MEng) Civil Engineering Programmes, First Semester. Covers Eurocodes and exercises on offshore wind turbines, including environmental loading (wind, wave, current), geotechnics and structures.