Andrew Hazel's Publications
  1. Gaillard, A., Keeler, J. S., Le Lay, G. Lemoult G., Thompson, A. B., Hazel, A. L. & Juel, A. (2020)
    The life and fate of a bubble in a geometrically-perturbed Hele-Shaw channel.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (Accepted) arXiv preprint

  2. Saxby, B. A. & Hazel, A. L. (2020)
    Improving the Modified XFEM for Optimal High-Order Approximation.
    eInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121
    pp 411--433. (pdf preprint).

  3. Keeler, J. S., Thompson, A. B., Lemoult, G., Juel, A. & Hazel, A. L. (2019)
    The influence of invariant solutions on the transient behaviour of an air bubble in a Hele-Shaw channel.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A , 475 20190434. doi:10.1098/rspa.2019.0434

  4. Kant, P., Hazel, A. L., Dowling, M., Thompson, A. B., & Juel, A. (2019)
    POLED displays: Robust printing of pixels.
    Applied Physics Letters, 115, 163301 doi:10.1063/1.5115410

  5. Kant P., Hazel, A. L., Dowling, M., Thompson, A. B. & Juel, A. (2018)
    Sequential Deposition of Microdroplets on Patterned Surfaces.
    Soft Matter, 14 , pp 8709--8716. Link to electronic journal

  6. Banks, M., Hazel, A. L. & Riley, G. (2018)
    Quantitative Validation of Physically Based Deformable Models in Computer Graphics.
    Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation, Euographics 2018, doi: 10.2312/vriphys.20181062

  7. Tregidgo, H. F. J., Crabb, M. G., Hazel, A. L. & Lionheart, W. R. B. (2018)
    On the feasibility of automated mechanical ventilation control through EIT.
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
    doi: 10.1109/TBME.2018.2798812

  8. Franco Gomez, A., Thompson, A. B., Hazel, A. L. & Juel, A. (2018)
    Bubble propagation in Hele-Shaw channels with centred constrictions.
    Fluid Dynamics Research, 50 021403
    doi: 10.1088/1873-7005/aaa5cf

  9. von Borries Lopes, A., Thiele, U. & Hazel, A. L. (2018)
    On the multiple solutions of coating and rimming flows on rotating cylinders.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 835 pp 540--574.
    doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.756

  10. Franco-Gómez, A., Thompson, A. B., Hazel, A. L.
    & Juel, A. (2017)
    Bubble propagation on a rail: a concept for sorting bubbles by size.
    Soft Matter, 13, pp 8684--8697. Link to electronic journal

  11. Johnson, G. J., Jain, U., Hazel, A. L., Pihler-Puzović, D. & Mullin, T. (2017)
    On the buckling of an elastic holey column.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473 20170477
    doi: 10.1098/rspa.2017.0477

  12. Kant, P., Hazel, A. L., Dowling, M., Thompson, A. B. & Juel, A. (2017)
    Controlling droplet spreading with topography.
    Physical Review Fluids, 2 094002
    doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.094002

  13. Ducloué, L., Hazel, A. L., Pihler-Puzović, D. & Juel, A. (2017)
    Viscous fingering and dendritic growth under an elastic membrane.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 826 pp R2-1--R2-11.
    doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.468

  14. Radtke, P. J., Hazel, A. L., Straube, A. V. & Schimansky-Geier, L. (2017)
    Stochastic dynamics of resistive switching: fluctuations lead to optimal particle number.
    New Journal of Physics, Accepted Manuscript

  15. Ducloué, L. Hazel, A. L., Thompson, A. B. & Juel, A. (2017)
    Reopening modes of a collapsed elasto-rigid channel.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 819 pp 121--146.
    doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.162

  16. Hazel, A. L. & Mullin, T. (2017)
    On the buckling of elastic rings by external confinement.
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 375 20160227
    doi: 10.1098/rsta.2016.0227

  17. Heil, M., Rosso, J., Hazel, A. L. & Brĝns, M. (2017)
    Topological fluid mechanics of the formation of the Kármán-vortex street.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812 pp 199--221
    doi: 10.1017/jfm.2016.792

  18. Himburg, H. A., Gryzbowski, D. M., Hazel, A. L., LaMack, J. A. & Friedman, M. H. (2016)
    Discussion "Comparison of Statistical Methods for Assessing Spatial Correlations Between Maps of Different Arterial Properties" (Rowland, E. M., Mohamied, Y., Chooi, K. Y., Bailey, E. L., and Weinberg, P. D., 2015, ASME J. Biomech. Eng., 137(10), p. 101003): An Alternative Approach Using Segmentation Based on Local Hemodynamics".
    ASME J. Biomechanical Engineering, 138, 095501-095501-2.
    doi:10.1115/1.4034217 Link to electronic journal

  19. Pihler-Pihler-Puzović, D., Hazel, A. L. & Mullin, T. (2016)
    Buckling of a holey column.
    Soft Matter, 12, pp 7112--7118. (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  20. Franco-Gómez, A., Thompson, A. B., Hazel, A. L.
    & Juel, A. (2016)
    Sensitivity of Saffman--Taylor fingers to channel-depth perturbations.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 794 , pp 343-368. (pdf)
    doi: 10.1017/jfm.2016.131

  21. Bearon, R. N. & Hazel, A. L. (2015)
    The trapping in high-shear regions of slender bacteria undergoing chemotaxis in a channel.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 771, pp R3-1--R3-13. (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  22. Thompson, A. B., Tipton, C. R., Juel, A., Hazel, A. L. & Dowling M. (2014)
    Sequential deposition of overlapping droplets to form a liquid line.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics 761 , pp. 261-281.
    Link to electronic journal

  23. Thompson, A. B., Juel, A. & Hazel, A. L. (2014)
    Multiple finger propagation modes in Hele-Shaw channels of variable depth.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics 746 , pp. 123-164. (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  24. Jisiou, M., Dawson, D., Thompson, A. B., Mohr, S.,
    Fielden, P. R., Hazel, A. L. & Juel, A. (2014)
    Geometry-induced Oscillations of Finite Bubbles in Microchannels.
    Procedia IUTAM 11 pp 81--88
    Link to open access electronic journal

  25. Dijkstra, H. A., Wubs F. W., Cliffe, K. A., Doedel, E. , Dragomirescu, I. F., Eckhardt B., Gelfgat. A. Yu., Hazel, A. L., Lucarini V., Salinger, A. G., Phipps, E. T., Sanchez-Umbria, J., Schuttelaars, H., Tuckerman, L. S. & Thiele, U. (2014)
    Numerical Bifurcation Methods and their Application to Fluid Dynamics: Analysis beyond Simulation.
    Communications in Computational Physics 15 pp 1--45 (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  26. Hazel, A. L., Pailha, M., Cox, S. J. & Juel, A. (2013)
    Multiple states of finger propagation in partially occluded tubes.
    Physics of Fluids 25 062106 (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  27. Hazel, A. L., Heil, M., Waters, S. L. & Oliver, J. M.(2012)
    On the liquid lining in fluid-conveying curved tubes.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics 705, pp 213--233. (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  28. Willoughby, N., Parnell, W. J., Hazel, A. L.
    & Abrahams, I. D.(2012)
    Homogenization methods to approximate the effective response of random fibre-reinforced composites
    International Journal of Solids and Structures 49, pp 1421--1433. (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  29. Pailha, M., Hazel, A. L., Glendinning, P. A. & Juel, A. (2012)
    Oscillatory bubbles induced by geometrical constraint
    Physics of Fluids 24, 021702. (pdf)
    Link to electronic journal

  30. Hewitt, R. E., Hazel, A. L., Clarke, R. J. & Denier, J. P. (2011)
    Unsteady flow in a torus after a sudden change in rotation rate
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 688, pp 88--119.
    Link to electronic journal

  31. Haines, P.E. Hewitt, R. E. & Hazel, A. L. (2011)
    The Jeffery--Hamel similarity solution and its relation to flow in a diverging channel
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 687, pp 404--430.
    Link to electronic journal

  32. Bearon, R. N., Hazel, A. L. & Thorn, G. J. (2011)
    The spatial distribution of gyrotactic swimming micro-organisms in laminar flow fields.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 680, pp 602--635.
    Link to electronic journal

  33. Heil, M. & Hazel, A. L. (2011)
    Fluid-Structure Interaction in Internal Physiological Flows.
    Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 43, pp 141--162
    Link to electronic journal

  34. Howell, S. D., Duck, P. W., Hazel, A. L., Johnson, P. V., Pinto, H., Strbac, G., Proudlove, N. & Black, M. (2011)
    A partial differential equation system for modelling stochastic storage in physical systems with applications to wind power generation.
    IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 22 , pp 231--252
    Link to electronic journal

  35. de Lózar, A., Heap, A., Box, F., Hazel, A. L. & Juel, A. (2009)
    Tube geometry can force switchlike transitions in the behaviour of propagating bubbles.
    Physics of Fluids, 21, 101702
    doi: 10.1063/1.3247879

  36. de Lózar, A., Juel, A. & Hazel, A. L. (2008)
    The steady propagation of an air finger into a rectangular tube.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 614, pp 173--195.
    Link to electronic journal

  37. Hazel, A.L. & Heil, M. (2008)
    The influence of gravity on the steady propagation of a semi-infinite bubble into a flexible channel.
    Physics of Fluids, 20, 092109.
    Link to electronic journal

  38. Heil, M., Hazel, A.L. & Smith, J.A. (2008)
    The Mechanics of Airway Closure.
    Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, 163, pp 214--221.
    Link to electronic journal

  39. Heil, M., Hazel, A. L. & Boyle, J. (2008)
    Solvers for large-displacement fluid-structure interaction problems: segregated versus monolithic approaches.
    Computational Mechanics, 43 , pp 91--101.
    Link to electronic journal

  40. de Lózar, A., Hazel, A. L. & Juel, A. (2007)
    Scaling properties of coating flows in rectangular channels.
    Physical Review Letters , 99 , 234501
    Link to electronic journal

  41. Roy, K., Borrill, Z. L., Starkey, C., Hazel, A. L., Morris, J. , Vestbo J. & Singh D. (2007)
    Use of different exhaled nitric oxide multiple flow rate models in COPD.
    European Respiratory Journal, 29 , pp 651--659.
    Link to electronic journal

  42. Hewitt, R. E. & Hazel, A. L. (2007)
    Midplane-symmetry breaking in the flow between two counter-rotating disks.
    Journal of Engineering Mathematics , 57 , pp 273--288.
    Link to electronic journal

  43. Hazel, A. L. & Heil, M. (2006)
    Finite-Reynolds-Number Effects in Steady, Three-Dimensional Airway Reopening. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 128 , pp 473--478.
    Link to electronic journal

  44. Heil, M. & Hazel, A. L. (2006)
    oomph-lib -- An Object-Oriented Multi-Physics Finite-Element Library. In: Fluid-Structure Interaction, Editors: M. Schafer und H.-J. Bungartz. Springer (Lecture Notes on Computational Science and Engineering))
    Link to electronic journal

  45. Hazel, A. L. & Heil, M. (2005)
    Surface-tension-induced buckling of liquid-lined elastic tubes: a model for pulmonary airway closure.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A , 461 . pp 1847--1868.
    Link to electronic journal

  46. Himburg, H. A., Grzybowski, D. M., Hazel, A. L., LaMack, J. A., Li, X.-M. & Friedman, M. H. (2004)
    Spatial comparison between wall shear stress measures and porcine arterial endothelial permeability.
    American Journal of Physiology: Heart and Circulatory Physiology 286 , pp H1916--H1922.
    Link to electronic journal

  47. Heil, M. & Hazel, A. L. (2003)
    Mass transfer from a finite strip near an oscillating stagnation point --- implications for atherogenesis.
    Journal of Engineering Mathematics , 47 , pp 315--334.
    Link to electronic journal

  48. Hazel, A. L. & Heil, M. (2003)
    Steady finite-Reynolds-number flows in three-dimensional collapsible tubes.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 486 , pp 79--103.
    Link to electronic journal

  49. Hazel, A. L. & Heil, M. (2003)
    Three-dimensional airway reopening: the steady propagation of a semi-infinite bubble into a buckled elastic tube.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 478 , pp 47--70.
    Link to electronic journal

  50. Hazel, A. L., Grzybowski, D. M. & Friedman, M. H. (2003)
    Modeling the adaptive permeability response of porcine iliac arteries to actute changes in mural shear.
    Annals of Biomedical Engineering , 31 , pp 412--419.
    Link to electronic journal

  51. Hazel, A. L. & Heil, M. (2002)
    The steady propagation of a semi-infinite bubble into a tube of elliptical or rectangular cross-section.
    Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 470 , pp 91--114.
    Link to electronic journal

  52. Hazel, A. L. & Friedman, M. H. (2000)
    A method for assessing the need for case-specific hemodynamics: Application to the distribution of vascular permeability.
    Annals of Biomedical Engineering , 28 , pp 1300--1306.
    Link to electronic journal

  53. Hazel, A. L. & Pedley, T. J. (2000)
    Vascular endothelial cells minimise the total force on their nuclei.
    Biophysical Journal , 78 , pp 47-54.
    Link to electronic journal

  54. Ujiie, H., Tachibana, H., Hiramatsu, O., Hazel, A. L., Matsumoto, T., Ogasawara, Y., Nakajima, H., Hori, T., Takakura, F. & Kajiya, F. (1999)
    Effects of size and shape (aspect ratio) on the hemodynamics of saccular aneurysms: A possible index for surgical treatment of intracranial aneurysms.
    Neurosurgery , 45 , pp 119--129.
    Link to electronic journal

  55. Hazel, A. L. & Pedley, T. J. (1998)
    Alteration of mean wall shear stress near an oscillating stagnation point.
    ASME Journal of biomechanical engineering , 120 , pp 227--237.
    Link to electronic journal