Group Prizes and Awards


Prizes and Awards

2023 Best Oral Presentation Prize at the RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Annual Conference 2021 awarded to Siyuan Dong

2023 3rd Poster Presentation Prize at the RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Annual Conference 2021 awarded to Lauren Churchill

2022 Best Poster Prize at the Biomaterials Translation Workhsop 2022 Mancheser awarded to Albert Ginjaume.

2021 Best Poster Prize at the Edinburgh Breast Cancer Special Symposium 2021 awarded to Eliana Lingard.

2021 Best Oral Presentation Prize at the RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Annual Conference 2021 awarded to Eliana Lingard.

2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry B best talk prize at MRS 2019 Fall Meeting in Boston Symposium SB04 - Hydrogel Materials - From Theory to Applications via 3D and 4D Printing awarded to Cosimo Ligorio. 

Cosimo Talk at MRS

2019 Wellcome ISSF 3: researcher training, visits and discipline hopping call (UoM) awarded to Kyle Burgess to attend a training workshop using 3D skin-equivalents (EpiSkin), Lyon, France.

2019 "Biomaterials, Polymers and Composites" best poster prize at the School of Materials PGR Conference awarded to Cosimo Ligorio.

2018 Fluorochem best poster Prize at MMU Bioinspired Research Symposium awarded to Cosimo Ligorio.

2017-18 NUS Green Impact: Labs-Bronze Awarded to Group (Leads: Helen Clough and Cosimo Ligorio).

Award Photo     Award Photo Helen Cosimo


2017 Best poster prize at 2nd Composites@Manchester Research Workshop awarerd to Haneen Naji.

2016 Fluorochem best poster Prize at MMU Bioinspired Research Symposium awarded to Beenish Siddique.

2016 Sandpit UoM workshop best research proposal prize themed “Ageing, Mobility and Wellbeing” (£250) awarded to Vicki Workman (and team).

2016 Best poster prize at the  School of Materials Post Graduate Conference 2016 awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec.

2016 3rd poster prize at the  School of Materials Post Graduate Conference 2016 awarded to Beenish Siddique.

2015 Best poster presentation prize at the Polymer Physics Group 27th biennial meeting, Manchester, UK awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec.

2014 Finalist for the WISE Research Award 2014 to Aline Miller.

2013 Philip Leverhulme Prize for compelling recognition of research achievements to Aline Miller.

2013 Best oral presentation prize at the Surgery Trainee Prize Evening, Manchester Medical Society awarded to Anne Markey.

2011 Best oral presentation session prize at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research Conference 2011, Manchester, UK awarded to Kate Meade.

2010 Best PhD student oral contribution prize (Robert Mathys Foundation award) at the eCM XI: Cartilage and Disc: Repair and Regeneration conference, Davos, Switzerland awarded to Ayeesha Mujeeb.

2010 Best poster presentation prize at the The Tissue & Cell Engineering Society (TCES) Annual Meeting, Manchester, UK awarded to Ayeesha Mujeeb.

2009 Poster Prize for "Novel use of biomaterials" at the 4th Annual Conference of the UK Society of Biomaterials (UKSB), Belfast, Ireland awarded to Jie Gao.

2008 Macro Group UK Young Researchers Medal awarded to Aline F. Miller.

2008 IoP Polymer Physics Group / American Physical Society, Young Scientist Lecture Prize awarded to Aline F. Miller.

2008 Second prize for PhD student oral contribution at the Manchester Interdisciplinary Biocentre Student Conference, Manchester, UK awarded to Ayeesha Mujeeb.

2006 Best poster presentation prize at the Functional and Biological Networks: theory and experiment conference, Sheffield, UK awarded to Maria Simon Saenz.

2006 Best PhD student oral contribution prize at ISIS Neutron Users Meeting, Oxford, UK awarded to Antonios Konstantopoulos.

2004 Best poster presentation prize at the 4th Annual Conference of the UK Society of Biomaterials (UKSB), Brighton, UK awarded to Elisabeth Vey.


Travel grants

2024 SCI-RSC Rideal Trust Travel Bursary (£250) awarded to Nastaran Zoghi to attend SupraLife Thirad School in Aveiro (Portugal)

2024 RSC Researcher Development and Travel Grant (£500) awarded to Nastaran Zoghi to attend SupraLife Thirad School in Aveiro (Portugal)

2023 RSC Researcher Development and Travel Grant (£500) awarded to Niall Mahon to attend the Peptide Materials Conference in Sorrento (Italy)

2022 Armourers & Brasiers Company Travel Grant (£655) awarded to Zixuan Liu to attend the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) 2022 Conference in Bordeaux (France)

2022 RSC Researcher Development Grant (£500) awarded to Andong Liu to attend the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) 2022 Conference in Bordeaux (France)

2022 UKSB Travel Grant (£350) awarded to Niall Mahon to attend the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) 2022 Conference in Bordeaux (France)

2022 Armourers & Brasiers Rolls-Royce SchemeTravel Grant (£900) awarded to Siyuan Dong to attend the Controlled Release Society (CRS) Conference in Montreal, Canada

2022 RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Niall Mahon to attend 2022 TERMIS-EU Conference in Krakow, Poland

2022 RSC Manchester and District Section travel bursary  awarded to Albert  Ginjaume to attend 2022 TERMIS-EU Conference in Krakow, Poland

2020 Armourers & Brasiers’ Company Travel Grant (£425) awarded to Cong Ding to attend the WBC2020 Congress, Glasgow, UK

2020 Armourers & Brasiers’ Company Travel Grant (£425) awarded to Siyuan Dong to attend the WBC2020 Congress, Glasgow, UK

2020 Armourers & Brasiers’ Company Travel Grant (£500) awarded to Helen Clough to attend the WBC2020 Congress, Glasgow, UK

2019 SCI-RSC Rideal Trust Travel Bursary (£500) awarded to Cosimo Ligorio to attend the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA

2019 TCES Travel Bursary (£300) awarded to Cosimo Ligorio to attend the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA

2019 Armourers & Brasiers’ Company Travel Grant (£500) awarded to Cosimo Ligorio to attend the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA

2019 Insitute of Physics CR Barber Trust Fund Travel Grant (£175) awarded to Cosimo Ligorio to attend the MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA

2019 UoM EPSRC NIPF Conference Travel Fund Grant (£500) awarded to Helen Clough to attend 2019 TERMIS-EU Conference in Rhodes, Greece

2019 UoM EPSRC NIPF Conference Travel Fund Grant (£500) awarded to Cosimo Ligorio to attend 2019 TERMIS-EU Conference in Rhodes, Greece

2019 TCES Travel Bursary (£300) awarded to Helen Clough to attend 2019 TERMIS-EU Conference in Rhodes, Greece

2019 RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Helen Clough to attend 2019 TERMIS-EU Conference in Rhodes, Greece

2018 RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Cosimo Ligorio to attend 2018 ESB Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands

2018 RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Kyle Burgess to attend 2018 TERMIS World Congress in Kyoto, Japan

2018 TCES Travel Bursary (£150) awarded to Kyle Burgess to attend 2018 TERMIS World Congress in Kyoto, Japan

2017 SCI-RSC Rideal Trust Travel Bursary (£250) awarded to Evanthia Adamidou to attend 7th International Colloids Conference, Barcelona, Spain

2017 Armourers & Brasiers’ Company Travel Grant (£500) awarded to Kyle Burgess  to attend TERMIS EU Chapter Conference, Davos, Switzerland

2016 Sir Eric Rideal Travel Bursary (£500) awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec to attend the CUNY BioNanoMed Symposium, New York, USA

2016 Insitute of Physics CR Barber Trust Fund Travel Grant (£175) awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec to attend the CUNY BioNanoMed Sumposium, New York, USA

2016 Graphene Flagship Early-Stage Researcher Grant  (€200) awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec to attend the Graphene Week Conference, Warsaw, Poland.

2015 IOP Materials and Characterisation Group Travel Bursery (£150) awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec to attend the PepMat 2016 Conference, Barcelona, Spain

2015 D. H. Richards Travel Bursery from the MacroGroup UK (£500) awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec to attend the PepMat 2016 Conference, Barcelona, Spain

2014 TERMIS-AM Travel award ($345) awarded to Laura Szkolar to attend TERM-AM 2014 conference

2014  Institute of Physics (IoP) , Polymer Physics Group (PPG), Research Student Travel Grant (£250) awarded to Pietro Locatelli to attend the IUPAC MACRO 2014 Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand

2014 D. H. Richards Travel Bursery from the MacroGroup UK (£500) awarded to Pietro Locatelli to attend the IUPAC MACRO 2014 Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand

2013 Society of Chemical Industry, Leverhulme Travel Bursary (£650) awarded to Pietro Locatelli to attend the European Polymer Congress EPF 2013, Pisa, Italy

2010 Institute of Physics (IoP) , Polymer Physics Group (PPG), Research Student Travel Grant (£250) awarded to Achilleas Tsiotas to attend the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Portland, USA

2010 RSC MacroGroup UK Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Antons Maslovskis to attend the 43rd IUPAC World Polymer Congress MACRO2010, Glasgow, UK

2009 Society of Chemical Industry, Leverhulme Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Achilleas Tsiotas to attend the European Polymer Congress (EPF′09), Graz, Austria

2009 RSC NW Group Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Antons Maslovskis to attend the European Polymer Congress (EPF′09), Graz, Austria

2009 Society of Chemical Industry, Messel Travel Grant (£250) awarded to Antons Maslovskis to attend the 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials ESB2009, Lausanne, Switzerland

2008 UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Travel Grant (£800) awarded to Claire Tang to attend the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, USA

2008 Armourers & Brasiers’ Company Travel Grant (£500) awarded to Claire Tang  to attend the 8th World Biomaterials Congress, Amsterdam, Holland

2008 Society of Chemical Industry, Messel Travel Grant (£250) awarded to Stephen Boothroyd to attend RSC Physics Meets Biology Meeting, Oxford, UK

2006 Young Academics Network in Chemical Engineering (YANCE) Travel Grant (£420) awarded to Alberto Saiani to attend the Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, USA

2006 Young Academics Network in Chemical Engineering (YANCE) Travel Grant (£670) awarded to Alberto Saiani to attend the Small Angle Scattering (SAS) Conference, Kyoto, Japan

2006 Institute of Physics (IoP) Travel Bursary (£500) awarded to Alberto Saiani to attend the Small Angle Scattering (SAS) Conference, Kyoto, Japan

2006 Society of Chemical Industry, Messel Travel Grant (£300) awarded to Mallik Pasumarty to attend 80th ACS Symposium on Colloid and Surface Science, Boulder, USA

2006 Jülich Centre for Neutron Science Travel Grant (£250) awarded to Alberto Saiani to attend the JCNS Symposium and EU user meeting, Jülich, Germany 

2005 Institute of Physics (IoP) Travel Bursary (£500) awarded to Alberto Saiani to attend the European Polymer Congress (EPF′05), Moscow, Russia

2005 Society of Chemical Industry, Messel Travel Grant (£250) awarded to Paolo Mussone to attend the World Chemical Engineering Congress, Glasgow, UK

2005 Society of Chemical Industry, Messel Travel Grant (£250) awarded to Daniel Belton to attend the World Chemical Engineering Congress, Glasgow, UK

2004 Leonardo Travel Grant (£1250) awarded to Alberto Saiani to visit Huntsman Polyurethanes, Everberg, Belgium

2004 Royal Academy of Engineering Travel Grant (£700) awarded to Paolo Mussone to spend one month at the university of Brisbane, Australia undertaking collaborative work

2003 Recent Appointees in Polymer Science Travel Grant (£135) awarded to Alberto Saiani to attend the Institute of Physics (IoP) Polymer Physics Group (PPG) Biennial Meeting, Reading, UK

2003 Recent Appointees in Polymer Science Travel Grant (£170) awarded to Alberto Saiani to attend the Institute of Physics (IoP) The Physics of Biological Polymers Meeting, London, UK

2003 Leonardo Travel Grant (£1410) awarded to Alberto Saiani to visit Huntsman Polyurethanes, Everberg, Belgium


Scholarships / Fellowships

2021 EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship awarded to Cosimo Ligorio (£20k)

2020 The British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (BAPRAS) Pump Priming research funding (£10k) awarded to Liam McMorrow

2020 The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) Pump Priming research funding (£10k) awarded to Liam McMorrow

2016 GelART DTC IRS Investment Grant (£5k) awarded to Jacek Wychowaniec

2014 Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship (£45k) awarded to Aline Miller

2008 Manchester Alumni Fund Scholarship (£24k) awarded to Jie Gao

2007 Royal Society of Engineering Industrial Secondment Fellowship (£12k) awarded to Alberto Saiani

2005 Society of Chemical Industry Gray Scholarship (£3k) awarded to Antonios Konstantopoulos

2004 Exxon Mobil Teaching Fellowship (£9k) awarded to Aline F. Miller

2003 Society of Chemical Industry Gray Scholarship (£3k) awarded to Paolo Mussone


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