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You are here: University of Manchester > Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health > School of Health Sciences

Records [901 - 1000] of 1833

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Title Name School/Division Section Role
Ms Jennifer Kennedy School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Teaching Fellow
Mrs Julie Kennedy School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Coordinator - CPPE Customer Experience and Quality Management
Dr Lorna Kennedy School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Dr Cassandra Kenning School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Research Associate
Dr Lindsey Kent School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Academic Clinical Fellow
Mrs Rachel Kenward School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor (gpptp 2)
Mrs Anne Kerr School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Divisional Administrator, Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
Ms Saadia Khalid School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Dr Inaam Khalil School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Sponsored Researcher
Ms Nasaim Khan School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Staff
Miss Sahema Khan School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Tlse Intern
Miss Sameen Khan School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Staff
Dr Sayema Khan School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Research Project Officer
Miss Shreya Khatry School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Optometry Clinical Tutor
Ms Jacqueline Kindell School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Clinical Senior Lecturer
Mrs Rachel King School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Cppe Event Tutor (east Sussex Downs)
Dr Michael Kipping School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Honorary Research Fellow
Dr Melissa Kirby School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Associate
Mrs Ellen Kirk School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)
Mr Jonathon Kirk School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration TLSE Assistant in Information Advice and Guidance & Student Support and Wellbeing
Prof Susan Kirk School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Professor of Family And Child Health
Prof Jamie Kirkham School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Professor
Dr Erin Kirwin School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Staff
Dr Roman Kislov School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Ms Annie Kite School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Lecturer in Mental Health
Ms Maartje Kletter School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Associate
Dr Karolina Kluk-De kort School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Senior Lecturer in Audiology
Ms Sarah Knighton School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Clinical Lecturer
Mr David Knox School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Staff
Miss Mica Komarnyckyj School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Staff
Prof Evan Kontopantelis School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Professor in Data Science and Health Services Research
Dr Bahar Koymen School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Senior Lecturer
Mrs Ashma Krishan School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Research Fellow
Ms Melis Kupeli School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Research Associate (pharmacy Workforce)
Miss Yinka Kuye School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Cppe Regional Tutor
Miss Christy Laganis School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Clinical Tutor
Dr Lana Lai School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Research Associate
Mrs Amy Lake School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Local Pharmacy Tutor
Mrs Shivali Lakhani School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Cppe Regional Tutor
Miss Emma Lam School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Staff
Dr Janine Lamb School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Reader
Mrs Vanessa Lamb School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Mrs Wendy Lamb School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing BRC Hearing Health Theme Administrator/PA to Theme Lead
Miss Jasmine Lamonby School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Research Assistant
Dr Karen Lander School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Senior Lecturer
Mr Michael Landman School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Honorary Research Assistant
Mrs Joanne Lane School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Cppe Regional Manager
Dr Tobias Langheinrich School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Clinical Research Fellow
Miss Verity Langlands School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Lecturer
Dr Amanda Larkin School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Honorary Research Associate
Dr Reena Lasrado School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Fellow
Dr Ayse Latif School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Biology
Dr Yiu-Shing Lau School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Research Fellow
Dr Louise Laverty School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Staff
Miss Heather Law School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Staff
Mrs Funke Lawal School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Cppe Event Tutor (london)
Prof Jayne Lawrence School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Head of Division of Pharmacy & Optometry
Mr Rowan Lawrence School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Teaching Assistant
Dr Kimberly Lazo Green School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Associate
Dr Caroline Lea-Carnall School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Lecturer in Biological Sciences
Dr Andrew Leach School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutical Chemis
Miss Kate Leach School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Tlse Administrator (c&p)
Dr Kathy Leadbitter School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Research Fellow
Dr Jessica Leather School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Teaching Associate (psychology)
Prof Fiona Lecky School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Professor of Emergency Medicine
Dr Ruth Ledder School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Senior Lecturer
Miss Catherine Lee School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Miss Naomi Lee School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Software Engineer
Dr Jane Lees School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Project Manager
Sir Richard Leese School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Professor
Mr Kyle Leith School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Teaching Assistant
Dr Henna Lemetyinen School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Honorary Research Associate
Mrs Charlotte Lennox School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Senior Lecturer
Dr Luana Lenzi School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Research Fellow in Health Economics
Mrs Fiona Leon School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Dr Sarah Leonard School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Lecturer in Psychology
Miss Nicola Lester School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Lecturer in Psychology
Ms Cath Lewis School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Staff
Dr Elizabeth Lewis School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Postdoctoral Tutor
Mrs Nicola Lewis School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Cppe Event Tutor (west Midlands)
Dr Penny Lewis School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Clinical Lecturer
Prof Shôn Lewis School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Director, Institute of Brain, Behaviour and Mental Health
Ms Aoqi Li School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Research Associate
Dr Ka-Loh Li School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Honorary Research Associate
Dr Lucy Li School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Research Associate
Mr Kuan Liao School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Teaching Assistant (pop Health)
Dr Valentina Lichtner School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Senior Lecturer in Digital Health & Dm
Prof Elena Lieven School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Emeritus Professor
Miss Melissa Lima Silva School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Engagement & External Comms Manager
Dr Lijing Lin School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Lecturer in Data Science Technology
Dr Gabriella Lindergard School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Nmahp Clinical Lecturer
Dr Claudia Lindner School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Senior Research Fellow, Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Dr Szilvia Linnert School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Lecturer in Psychology
Dr Jenna Littlejohn School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Research Fellow
Mr Martin Littleton School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Local Pharmacy Tutor
Miss Alison Littlewood School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Programme Manager
Dr Marta Litwinczuk School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Research Associate (neuroimaging)
Mr Shengtong Liu School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Teaching Assistant
Mr Mauno Lius School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Teaching Assistant (demonstrator)
Dr Donna Lloyd School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Senior Lecturer

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