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You are here: University of Manchester >

Records [901 - 912] of 912

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Title Name School/Division Section Role
Dr Natalie Zacek School of Arts, Languages and Cultures English & American Studies and Centre for New Writing Senior Lecturer in American Studies
Miss Iqra Zahid School of Arts, Languages and Cultures Linguistics and English Language Teaching Assistant (lel)
Miss Zaynub Zaman School of Arts, Languages and Cultures English & American Studies and Centre for New Writing Teaching Assistant (english)
Dr John Zavos School of Arts, Languages and Cultures   Honorary Research Fellow
Mrs Haiyan Zeng School of Arts, Languages and Cultures Modern Languages and Cultures Language Tutor (chinese Language)
Miss Xiaolin Zhang School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)
Ms Wenjing Zhao School of Arts, Languages and Cultures   Staff
Prof Yang-Wen Zheng School of Arts, Languages and Cultures History Professor, Chinese History
Dr Biyun Zhu School of Arts, Languages and Cultures   Staff
Dr Richard Zimmermann School of Arts, Languages and Cultures Linguistics and English Language Lecturer in English Language
Miss Marta Zingale School of Arts, Languages and Cultures   Teaching Assistant (classic, Ah & Egypt)
Mrs Fahimeh ZolfiSistani School of Arts, Languages and Cultures   Staff

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