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You are here: University of Manchester > Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health > School of Health Sciences

Records [1301 - 1400] of 1840

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Title Name School/Division Section Role
Ms Suhani Pattanshetti School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Teaching Assistant
Ms Victoria Patton School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Staff
Mr Gareth Pawson School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Honorary Research Assistant
Prof Katherine Payne School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Professor of Health Economics
Dr Antony Payton School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Senior Lecturer Healthcare Sciences
Miss Amelia Pearson School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Assistant
Miss Lydia Pearson School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Honorary Research Associate
Dr Rebecca Pedley School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Fellow
Prof Niels Peek School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Honorary Professor
Mr Adam Peel School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry IT Support Analyst
Miss Yuanyi Peng School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Teaching Assistant
Dr Leonie Penner School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Research Associate
Ms Catherine Pennington School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Teaching Assistant (demonstrator)
Dr Jeffrey Penny School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Senior Lecturer
Mrs Cacia Percival School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Senior Administrator - Divisional Operations
Mr Marcus Percy School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Senior Lecturer
Miss Rheanna Pereira School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Research Assistant
Mrs Gemma Perfect School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Research Associate (audiologist)
Mr Adam Perrett School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Research Associate
Dr Catherine Perry School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Research Fellow
Dr Sean Pert School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Senior Lecturer in Speech and Language Therapy
Dr Emanuele Perugia School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Research Associate (nihr Brc)
Prof Sarah Peters School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Professor of Health Psychology
Dr Denham Phipps School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Lecturer
Miss Alyssa Piasecki School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Staff
Mr Matthias Pierce School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Senior Research Fellow
Prof Chris Plack School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Head of Audiology and Deafness Research Group / Ellis Llwyd Jones Chair in Audiology
Dr Claire Planner School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Research Associate
Mrs Jayne Plant School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Personal Assistant
Mr Andrew Plowright School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Operations Manager (Eurolens Research)
Dr Alain Pluen School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Senior Lecturer
Dr Gorana Pobric School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Senior Lecturer
Dr Ellen Poliakoff School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Senior Lecturer
Dr Kamila Polisenska School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Honorary Lecturer
Dr Chris Pollard School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Honorary Senior Lecturer
Dr Chris Pollard School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Honorary Lecturer
Dr William Ponsonby School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Senior Lecturer
Dr Catherine Porter School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Senior Lecturer in Optometry (Teaching Focused)
Dr Neil Porter School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Staff
Mr Simon Porter School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Honorary Teaching Fellow
Mr Kieran Potts School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Staff
Dr Andrew Povey School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Reader In Molecular Epidemiology
Dr Andrew Povey School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Staff
Dr Rachael Powell School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Senior Lecturer
Dr Daniel Pratt School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
Prof Richard Preece School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Chair
Dr Garreth Prendergast School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Lecturer in Audiology/hearing Sciences
Dr Owen Price School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Senior Lecturer
Mrs Margaret Prise School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Lecturer in Clinical Skills And Simulation-based Education
Mrs Kerry Proctor School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Miss Alexandra Prodan School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Research Project Officer
Miss Anna Pruszynska School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Staff
Prof Steven Pryjmachuk School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Professor of Mental Health Nursing Edu
Mrs Karen Purcell School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Senior Laboratory Technician (Teaching)
Mrs Rachel Purcell School of Health Sciences Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing Clinical Lecturer in Speech & Lang Ther
Dr Helen Pusey School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Senior Lecturer
Dr Piyush Pushkar School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Nihr Clinical Lecturer
Dr Annie Pye School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Lecturer
Miss Sadia Qayyum School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
Miss Rachel Quilliam School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Staff
Mrs Rachel Quinlan School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Dr Leah Quinlivan School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Research Fellow
Miss Jodie Quinn School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Tlse Assistant (iag & Ssw)
Dr Hema Radhakrishnan School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Reader
Dr Maja Radojcic School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Research Fellow
Mr Paul Rafferty School of Health Sciences School of Health Sciences Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)
Mr Sheik Rahman School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Optometry Clinical Tutor
Miss Syeda Rahman School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Staff
Ms Azita Rajai School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Research Assistant
Mrs Anuja Rajput School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Optometry Clinical Tutor
Miss Parvathy Ramesh School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Teaching Assistant
Dr Roshelle Ramkisson School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Staff
Miss Christine Ramsay School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Ms Susan Ramsdale School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Staff
Miss Sarah Ramsey School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Staff
Mrs Rajeshree Rana School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Divisional Operations Manager - Division of Population Health, Health Services Research and Primary Care & Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences
Miss Jesse Ranson School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Student Success and Development: Peer Support MGT
Dr Amy Rathbone School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Honorary Research Associate
Prof Magnus Rattray School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Professor of Computational and Systems Biology
Dr Rathi Ravindrarajah School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Fellow
Mrs Rachel Raybould School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Mrs Carol Rayegan-Tafreshi School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Centre for Mental Health and Safety, Administrator and PA to Prof L Appleby, Prof N Kapur, Prof K Abel
Mrs Amy Read School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing
Dr Michael Read School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry New Technologies Manager
Dr Rhona Read School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor
Miss Lucie Reboud School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Teaching Assistant (demonstrator)
Miss Molly Redpath-Healy School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Research Assistant
Dr Catherine Reed School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Programme Director
Prof David Reeves School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Emeritus Professor
Prof Martyn Regan School of Health Sciences Division of Population Health, Health Services Research & Primary Care Honorary Clinical Professor of Public Health
Dr Fiona Reid School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Honorary Senior Lecturer
Dr Katie Reid School of Health Sciences Division of Psychology & Mental Health Staff
Mrs Sue Renn School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Honorary Lecturer (teaching)
Dr Laoise Renwick School of Health Sciences Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work Senior Lecturer in Nursing
Mrs Sian Retallick School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Cppe Regional Tutor (south West)
Dr Saeed Rezaee School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Research Associate
Mrs Mary Rhodes School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Senior Lecturer
Miss Kyomi Richards School of Health Sciences Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences Divisional Administrative Assistant
Miss Leanne Richards School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Staff
Mrs Ciara Richardson School of Health Sciences Division of Pharmacy & Optometry Education Supervisor

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