Manchester Geometry Seminar 2005/2006

30 March 2006. Room G.15, Newman Building. 4pm

On Commuting Ordinary Differential Operators

Andrey Mironov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)

If two ordinary differential operators L1 and L2 commute, then their common eigenfunctions are parametrized by points of the spectral curve Γ. The dimension r of the space of eigenfunctions corresponding to a general point of Γ is called the rank of the pair L1, L2. For operators of rank 1, the coefficients of Li can be expressed via theta functions of the Jacobi variety of Γ. The problem of finding operators of rank r>1 is yet to be solved for the general case. Novikov and Krichever found rank 2 operators corresponding to a curve of genus 1. Mokhov used the approach of Novikov and Krichever and found operators of rank 3 and genus 1.

We give a method for constructing operators of rank 2 and genus 2. By this method one can construct operators with polynomial coefficients and formally self-adjoint.