Manchester Geometry Seminar 1999/2000

Special session. Second talk

Thursday, 4 May. Room M12, Maths Tower, UMIST. 4.30 p.m.

Designing Efficient Liapounov Functions

Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer (University of Cambridge)

Let dxi/dt = fi(x1,¼,xn) for 1 £ i £ n be a system of first order ordinary differential equations in R. A function V(x1,¼,xn) is called a Liapounov function for the system if

W = å
satisfies W < 0 whenever V ³ 0. Liapounov's theorem in its simplest form states that if V is a Liapounov function then (subject to some abuse of language in respect of behaviour at infinity) every trajectory eventually enters the set {V £ 0} and never thereafter leaves it.

The construction of efficient Liapounov functions is currently a hit-and-miss affair. This seminar is a contribution towards making the process more systematic.