Wrist Analysis in Radiographs

     Dr Raja Ebsim and Prof Tim Cootes

Problem Description

Fractures of the wrist are usually identified in Emergency Departments (ED) by doctors examining lateral (LAT) and posterioanterior (PA) radiographs. Unfortunately missing such fractures is one of the most common diagnostic errors in EDs, leading to delayed treatment and more suffering for the patient. This is mainly because the majority of patients attending EDs are seen by less experienced junior doctors. This problem is widely acknowledged, so in many hospitals X-rays are reviewed by an expert radiologist at a later date - however this can lead to significant delays on missed fractures which can have an impact on the eventual outcome.

Project Aim

Developing a fully-automated system for analysing X-rays of the wrist to identify fractures, with the goal of providing prompts to doctors and minimising the number of fractures that are missed in EDs.

Project Details