Dr Paul Connolly - teaching materials for EART60101

Interested in doing a PhD in Atmospheric Science? Please see this webpage for a list of available projects.

Module EART60101 Measuring and Predicting (Paul's part of the course)

Lecture 1: Clouds, Aerosols and Visibility
Practical 1: Practical on atmospheric dispersion
Lecture 2: Dynamics of the atmosphere
Practical 2: MATLAB shallow water model
Assessment: Online assessment

Please note, I will update the slides as I go along with the lastest findings from my research.

Useful links

Global surface winds updated 3 hourly.
Global winds @500 hPa updated 3 hourly.

Manchester Ice Cloud Chamber Our cloud chamber for conducting research into cloud processes
Wetter3 site for GFS model and surface charts
Met Office again wealth of information on their newly-revamped site
Met Office weather radar
European Wind Profiler Network
ManUniCast our own model
Whitworth Observatory Our own observatory here in Manchester
EUMETRAIN overlay met. fields on satellite images (via eport)
Satellite pictures from SAT24.com
Skew-T radiosonde profiles from the University of Wyoming
Slides from the 2013 INUIT Summer School

Some projects I am running this year

Ice nucleation by mineral particles   investigate the effect of clustering on ice nucleation in colloidal suspensions

The capacitance of ice crystals   use a Monte-Carlo method to estimate the capacitance of realistic ice crystals

Diffusion of material through an aerosol particle   Fick's law does not describe diffusion of some compounds, the Maxwell-Stefan theory does. Investigate the effects this has in this project.

Automated classification of ice crystal images   There is a wealth of ice crystal image data that we have taken on various field projects. Devise a method of automatically determining their shape in this project

Ideas for future projects

A simulation of the solar system in MATLAB   use accurate ODE solvers to simulate dynamics of planetary orbits

Other fun stuff

Gravitational field strengths   Calculate the gravitational field strength of different shaped objects