Vision Chips with Pixel-Parallel Cellular Array Processors

NEW - SCAMP-5 vision chip website can be found this link

Vision chips integrate image sensing and processing on a single silicon die. In a way somewhat resembling the vertebrate retina, these semiconductor chips perform preliminary image processing directly on the focal plane. They can provide high-performance, low power solution for computer vision applications in areas such as autonomous vehicle guidance, industrial inspection, robotics, surveillance, smart toys, etc

Low level image processing tasks are inherently pixel-parallel in nature, identical operations are performed on every image element (pixel). Integrating a processing element within each pixel of the image sensor array results in a massively parallel cellular array processor, capable of providing computational power required for real-time image processing. At the same time, this integration eliminates the I/O bottleneck between the sensor and the processor and dramatically reduces the power dissipation, size and cost of the system. The processor array operates in SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) mode. Processing elements simultaneously execute identical instructions on their local data. The processors can also exchange information with their nearest neighbours. Each processing element, is a simple, but complete processor, comprising Arithmetic Logic Unit, Memory, Local Control and I/O ports and also include a photodetector.


In a high-resolution pixel-parallel SIMD vision chip the silicon area available for each processing element is very limited. Our key idea is the introduction of an analogue processing element (APE). The APE executes software instructions in a manner akin to a digital processor, but it operates on analogue samples of data. Compact registers are build using switched-current storage cells, arithmetic operations are performed without any extra hardware: adder circuit is replaced by current summation on the bus wire (Kirchhoff’s law). This combination of analogue circuitry and digital architecture results in unprecedented efficiency in terms of performance, cost and power dissipation. The SCAMP-3 chip, fabricated in a 0.35 um CMOS technology contains a 128x128 processor array and achieves cell density of  410 processors/mm2 (a single cell measures under 50um x 50um). Operating with a 1.25 MHz clock the maximum power consumption is 12 uW/cell. The computational power efficiency is 104 GOPS/W. Many image processing algorithms run at 20fps with a few mW of power.


Image Processing Examples:

Edge detection (Sobel): processing time 30us, power consumption 73nW/pixel @ 25 fps Movie (3 MB))

Motion Detection: Movie (3 MB)

Active Contours - Pixel Level Snakes (up to 30 evolutions per frame at 30 frames per second!: Movie1 (20 MB), Movie2 (.avi, 8 MB)

SCAMP-3 system ("Silver Box") provided all control and interface circuits for the vision chip, with a USB 2.0 based interface for development and parallel interface for custom hardware. The software included Simulator/Development Environment, Graphical User Interface and Windows and Linix versions of Software Framework for custom applications.


SCAMP-2 was a general-purpose programmable vision chip with a 39x48 SIMD processor-per-pixel array fabricated in a 0.35um CMOS technology. Some of the experimental results obtained from the chip are presented below:

 Edge detection algorithm: processing time 30us, power consumption 73nW/pixel @ 25 fps 

              Movie (.avi, 1.3 MB)

Median filtering algorithm: processing time 157us, power consumption 380nW/pixel @ 25 fps

             Movie (.avi, 2.7 MB)

Cellular Automata - Game of Life

     Movie (.avi, 2.7 MB)

Greenberg-Hastings Model of Excitable Medium

     Movie (.avi, compressed, 0.3 MB) 

Active Contours - Pixel Level Snakes

  Movie (.avi, 1.7 MB) 


  Movie (.avi, 0.8 MB) 

Dr Piotr Dudek, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK, Email: