Revealing Hidden Places: The Cryptome Eyeballing Map Series
can reveal hidden places that are beyond our sight. But they also
have a unique power to deceive us by deliberately not revealing
what is actually on the ground. Governments have many secret places,
sensitive sites and critical infrastructures that they wish to remain
hidden from prying eyes. The one government with the most to hide
is undoubtedly the United States with its huge military and security
apparatus, operating from innumerable bases and bunkers spread across
the globe. Indeed, there is great fascination in contemporary culture
- bordering on X-Files paranoiac obsession for some - with
the activities of this military-industrial complex, and in particular
with seeing what is behind the formidable fences and intimidating
'no entry' signs of its hidden places. The Eyeballing
project <www.cryptome.org/eyeball.htm>
developed by activist John Young uses publicly available maps to
give a view into some of these secret and sensitive sites across
The project consists of series of individual 'eyeballing'
web pages, each of which focuses on a particular military base,
intelligence facility or other sensitive site, like nuclear power
plants and dams. Eyeballing exploits the potential of hypertext
to author a cartographic collage, piecing together a diverse range
of aerial photographs, topographic maps at different scales, photographs,
along with expert commentary by Young, annotated with corrections
and clarifications emailed in from (anonymous) readers. There are
also hyperlinks to supplementary documents and other relevant websites,
while individual eyeballs pages are themselves cross referenced
by hyperlinks. To produce the eyeballs Young only utilises public
sources of maps and imagery, typically topographic mapping from
MapQuest and aerial photography from Terraserver [1]. Even
though the 'eyeballs' have an unpolished, almost amateurish look
to them, the series represents a novel and valuable atlas of hidden
Each eyeball spatialises a particular story of a hidden,
sensitive site, engaging with the reader to actively explore and
think what happens there. There are currently 172 individual
eyeballing web pages and the series continues to expand in numbers
and in its scope of subjects to map. So far the eyeballing series
has covered 11 airforce bases, 17 naval bases, the FBI, the CIA,
the National Security Agency (NSA), nerve gas storage facilities,
nuclear power plants, 54 dams, numerous little known intelligence
listening posts, as well as the Kennedy Space Centre, the Statue
of Liberty, and one particular family ranch in Crawford, Texas.
As well as the obvious sites, there are also some
unusual selections of eyeball targets that reveal the broad scope
of the project as well some of the idiosyncratic concerns of Young,
such as Las Vegas; He has even Eyeballed himself [2]. Much
of Young's interest is not with 'top secret' bunkers but with the
large number of facilities and infrastructures that are usually
obscured from public view and not really talked about. There is
still plenty more to do, of course, and he is working alone on the
project so it represents a considerable individual investment of
time and effort.
In a recent email interview, Map of the Month
asked John Young about the eyeballing project, focusing on his aims
and objectives in producing them. The project started in March 2002
as Young become intrigued by the continuing official ‘disappearance’
of the US Vice President Dick Cheney from post 9-11 Washington DC
to a secret bunker, which the media euphemistically reported as
a 'secure, undisclosed location' [3]. Young wanted "..to
locate the safe hole and publish it". The secure location
turned out to be a military command bunker, known as Site R, buried
under Raven Rock Mountain in rural Pennsylvania, close to Camp David.
This discovery provided the first eyeball
web page <http://cryptome.org/site-r.htm>,
a part of which is shown below.

A screenshot of part of the Site R eyeball, the Raven
Rock bunker where Vice President Cheney hides out. The full
eyeball web page is much longer, with a range of maps
and aerial photographs at different scales as well
as photographs of the gates of the facility taken by Young.<http://www.cryptome.org/site-r/site-r.htm>
Following on from the initial cartographic exposure of Site
R, Young eyeballed obvious, high profile, organisations like the
NSA, the FBI and the CIA, exposing their headquarters building complexes.
He also did a timely sequence looking at America's capacity
in terms of weapons of mass destruction in April 2002, eyeballing
probable storage of nerve gas [4]. The blurry and indistinct
views of these facilities in the remote deserts of Utah provide
a very pointed and potent reminder of the country in possession
of the most WMD. Young says that developing composites of multiple
sites, in order to expose "the extent of systems which cannot
be seen in a single facility has been a goal - as common among geographers."
The eyeballing of undersea cable systems and the telecommunications
hubs in New York City [5] are good examples of this.
Young is not a cartographer, instead he trained as an architect
and now runs a small practice in New York City with his partner
Deborah Natsios [6]. "As architects my wife and I
have long used maps and cartography in professional work",
according to Young, noting however, that this "has customarily
been quite local and limited compared to the eyeball series, and
none of our work has involved military facilities."
Young has a clear political agenda in creating the eyeballing
map montages, to show people the places that the powerful do not
want the rest of the community to know about or think about. The
mapping of facilities related to America’s continued maintenance
of weapons of mass destruction, for example, is clearly designed
to expose the hypocrisy of the Bush Government. Eyeballing is a
small and quite recent part of Young's activist work, dedicated
to exposing overbearing government and corporate secrecy, seeking
to reveal the murky workings of powerful organisations that wish
to operate hidden away from public scrutiny. He achieves this by
the unflinching disclosure of sensitive and controversial documents
via a unique information repository, an anti-secrecy library on
the Web, called Cryptome
<http://cryptome.org>, "which
has no limits and does not control its borrowed holdings",
says Young. The site has been online since 1996 and is an important
node in the realm of freedom of information, challenging powerful
interests particularly in the areas of surveillance technologies,
digital rights and cryptography. The Eyeballing project can be seen
as the subversive map room of the Cryptome library. Young has received
no official comment or complaint about the nature of his mapping
project thus far, but notes that eyeballing receives "quite
an impressive number of downloads from official websites, in particular
from the military".
"Maps are densely packed with information which helps
translate words into locations which may be visited either physically
or in the imagination" says Young. The Eyeballing pages
provide new vision that stimulates the imagination. They hint at
more than can actually be seen, making the viewer feel somehow illicit
in looking straight down onto some of the most secure and sensitive
places on the planet, such as the NSA headquarters. They give a
thrill at seeing something we are 'not meant to see' and yet the
maps themselves are entirely conventional, legal and publicly available.
This subversive feeling is created through the selection and then
unconventional arrangement of a specific set of maps.
The matter-of-fact reality of the eyeball mapping actually
helps to 'ground' some of these murky, anonymous and deliberately
intimidating organisations. When we can see that they inhabit an
ordinary office building, in a beltway sprawl of Washington DC for
example, it begins to reel them into our everyday reality from the
X-Files fringe, cartography dissolving their mystery. The
eyeballs also give the audience a view that they could not normally
get themselves, even if they wanted to. For most people it would
be impossible to actually fly over the NSA complex in a plane.
The tactical exploitation of mapping in the eyeballing series
can also be read as placing the cartographic spotlight back onto
the powerful themselves, in a very small way of course. The best
mapping, in terms of accuracy and currency, has traditionally been
the exclusive preserve of the military, and the strategic advantages
this cartographic knowledge brings have been jealously guarded by
those in power. Indeed, much of the current mapping technologies
have military origins, most particularly for spying on enemies [7].
Yet, maps, even very detailed ones, can only tell us so much.
And Young himself is working within the constraints of freely available
public spatial data sources, which are often partial and out of
date. Consequently, the eyeballs he can produce only scratch the
surface of what is going on at these hidden and sensitive places.
We may snatch a glimpse of the buildings, roads and other visible
structures, but this is far from a panoptic view and grants the
reader little sense of the implications of what is being performed
daily at these sites. (Young's interpretative commentary does augment
the mapping to a significant amount.) The interconnections, flows
and chains of command, vital to the working of many hidden places,
cannot be observed in static maps of physical facilities. Aerial
photographs, topographic maps and satellite imagery can hint at
the nature of power, as materially expressed through the physical
structures, but they cannot actually show us power relationships.
Moreover, those organisations with something really worth
hiding have long been savvy to the watchful eyes above, putting
their most sensitive sites fully underground [8]. Maps showing
the access roads and entrance portals to such bunker complexes only
give the barest hint of their subterranean extent. Nowadays much
of the secret work of the military and intelligence community is
actually transacted in cyberspace, in the data networks, servers
and webs of classified information flows, which are again completely
invisible to conventional cartographic display of physical facilities.
Part of the wider of agenda of Young's Cryptome project is to try
to expose the actual workings of these virtual systems of security
and intelligence through publishing documentary evidence on their
structures, internal policies, statistics, budget details and other
banal, but revealing, administrative materials of the various organisations
Eyeballing has been made possible by the amount of detailed
spatial data, now publicly available on the Internet. These maps
are accessible and browsable to anyone online, through simple Web
interfaces. The fact that one does not require specialised knowledge
or software to use spatial data has greatly widened access. In recent
years a great deal of aerial photography and satellite imagery,
often from declassified military sources, as well as new commercial
satellite systems, has also become publicly available, although
the resolution and temporal scale of this imagery is still the poor
relation compared to what is produced by current classified military
systems. Clearly tensions may well arise between 'open skies' of
detailed commercially satellite imagery and the entrenched view
that the public should not know what is hidden behind walls and
Eyeballing demonstrates well the potential for novel applications
of spatial data, created by non-specialists, once it becomes easily
accessible, at least in an American context. It shows what can be
achieved in a quick, 'low-tech' fashion, by mixing and matching
publicly sourced maps and imagery. It would have been very much
harder to have created the eyeball web pages ten years ago for example,
particularly as a one-man effort.
However, it would certainly be a lot tougher to attempt
eyeballing outside the United States, as much of the rest of the
world is a long way behind the Americans in terms of access to detailed
spatial data freely available on the Internet, and quite often sensitive
sites, especially military facilities, are themselves censored from
published mapping. "It is frustrating to lack access to
eyeballing information outside the US like that available within",
commented Young, "the US centricity is distorting of what
information remains to be revealed about other countries."
There are hidden places and sensitive sites all over the world and
it would be interesting to see activists in other countries having
a go at mapping them [9]. "[W]e hope that the eyeball
series will induce other contributions of restricted and secret
mapping information from other countries as well as the US",
commented Young.
Yet, there are also worrying signs that the growth
in public availability of detailed spatial data may be coming to
a close. In the current ‘chilling’ atmosphere, of post
9-11 security paranoia, availability and easy access to whole rafts
of public information is being questioned. Spatial data, in particular,
can easily be portrayed as somehow especially 'sensitive' and of
likely value to terrorists [10]. The level of detail and
freedom of access to digital mapping and imagery enjoyed today,
may soon be locked away again, available only to 'authorised' users.
Young passionately says, "wider public access is under attack
by the secret keepers and should be fought vociferously".
The Internet itself is a very ambivalent medium and
could well be a double edged sword in terms of freedom of access
versus privacy implications. The medium can deliver wider public
access but it can also, at the same time, further bolster the powerful
through their ability to track individual interests and consumption
patterns. As Young notes, "Spying by the secret keepers
to protect their privilege is on the increase, especially on the
net. It remains to be seen if the net’s role to increase public
access to information will be corrupted by those who spy on net
usage - official and corporate."
All maps are distortions of reality, as they have
to be selective in what they show and do not show. Sometimes distortions
are imposed deliberately for overt purposes of propaganda or misinformation
and this works so well as people have an innate faith in maps as
truthful representations of reality. Mark Mommonier's book How
to Lie With Maps [11] nicely debunks the myth of cartographic
In fact cartography, has long been a complicit tool,
exploited by the powerful, to deceive and keep secret places hidden
by deliberately not mapping them. This has been explained by map
historian Brian Harley in his theory of cartographic silences, whereby
cartographers censor the map to hide the presence of features on
the ground that one should reasonably expect to be represented in
a map at that scale [12]. It has been most widely practised
by the military, and not just in the past. In the first instance
this is done to try to conceal things from the enemy and thereby
to deceive them. The routine and widespread disinformation in cold
war Soviet cartography, where places were incorrectly located and
sensitive facilities left unmapped completely, is a well known and
obvious example [13]. Indeed, there has been recent popular
interest in debunking the innocence of cartography and exposing
the lies perpetrated, for example the British Library exhibition
in spring 2002 entitled, Lie of the Land: The Secret Life of
Maps [14]. The deliberate concealment is practised by
many governments even today, although, this kind of cartographic
censorship is clearly problematic now in an era of 'open skies'
satellite imagery, which anyone can purchase on the Web.
Beyond simple map censorship to conceal secret places,
the theory of 'silences' also advances the active role of cartography
in maintaining established structures of power. Subtle and insidious
decisions made in map-making work to emphasise some things and at
the same time to de-emphasise other aspects of the landscape that
are seen as less important. Cartography usually reflects the hegemonic
interests of the powerful in society and actively denies the voice
to weak. Thus certain things are deemed 'unmappable' for social
reasons and never appear on government or commercially published
maps. As Mark Monmonier puts it, "By omitting politically
threatening or aesthetically unattractive aspects of geographic
reality, and by focusing on the interests of civil engineers, geologists,
public administrators, and land developers, our topographic ‘base
maps’ are hardly basic to the concerns of public health and
safety officials, social workers, and citizens rightfully concerned
about the well-being of themselves and others." (page 122).
Eyeballs as Maps of Resistance |
clearly, John Young's work in the eyeballs series only gives a pinhole
view into the world of hidden places, but it is a revealing view
nonetheless, and being freely distributed through the Web, it could
be argued that the eyeballs are potent maps of resistance to the
growing secret state, turning the tools of the watchers onto themselves.
Map of the Month asked Young about his 'dream' eyeballing
map, without current practical restrictions, and this is what he
said: "This would map surveillance systems of the world
and methods of hiding those by artfully camouflaging with public