Professor Derek Jackson – Ceremony of Renewal of Guest Professorship at Tsinghua University on 31st March 2006 hosted by the Department of Thermal Engineering in the Institute of Thermophysics


On 31st March 2006, a ceremony took place to celebrate the renewal of the appointment of Professor Derek Jackson as a Guest Professor at Tsinghua University.  It was held in the Conference Hall of the Department of Thermal Engineering in the Institute of Thermophysics.  The Director of the Department of Thermal Engineering, Professor Qiang Yao offered his congratulations and presented the certificate of appointment to Professor Jackson on behalf of Tsinghua University.  They then exchanged gifts.


Professor Jackson, who is an internationally recognised expert in heat transfer, thermal hydraulics and thermophysics has specialised in turbulent mixed convection heat transfer, supercritical pressure fluid heat transfer, boiling heat transfer and condensation heat transfer. Professor Jackson was first appointed as a Guest Professor in Tsinghua University in 2002.  He has been promoting research collaboration between the University of Manchester and Tsinghua University for the past several years.  He has contributed to the technology exchange between the two universities by giving lectures to undergraduates, postgraduates and research students in the course of his regular visits to China. In order to expand the collaboration in relevant areas, Professor Jackson has been appointed as a Guest Professor at Tsinghua University for a further three years. He expressed his pleasure at being re-appointed and will continue contributing further to the development of thermal sciences at Tsinghua University.  Following the ceremony, Professor Jackson gave an Invited Lecture entitled ‘Studies of buoyancy-influenced turbulent flow and heat transfer in vertical passages’ to the audience of over than 40 students and researchers who were present at the ceremony.





of Buoyancy-Influenced Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in

Vertical Passages》的报告。

Professor J.D. Jackson has been appointed as Guest Professor in Tsinghua University since 2002.





Re-appointment as Guest Professor Ceremony at Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, March 2006



Invited lecture after the ceremony in March 2006