Hung M. Bui (Bùi Mạnh Hùng)

2.231, Alan Turing Building
Department of Mathematics
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Email: hung.bui(@)

About me

I am a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at the University of Manchester. Before moving to Manchester in November 2015, I was a Research Associate at the University of Bristol (September 2013 - June 2015), a Postdoc Researcher at Universität Zürich (September 2011 - August 2013), an EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford (October 2008 - August 2011), and a Visiting Researcher at the University of Rochester (March 2008 - August 2008). I completed my PhD at the University of Bristol in March 2008 under the supervision of Prof. Jon Keating FRS.

My Erdös number, and also Erdös number of the second kind are 2 (via Richard Hall).

Research interests

Analytic number theory: analytic theory of the Riemann zeta-function and L-functions, distribution of primes; Sieve methods; Number theory in function fields; Random matrix theory...

Published/Accepted Papers

My profile on MathSciNet, ZentralblattMATH, arXiv and Google Scholar.


    1. (with A. Florea and M. B. Milinovich) Negative discrete moments of the derivative of the Riemann zeta-function (Oct 2023) [arXiv]

    2. Critical zeros of the Riemann zeta-function (Oct 2014) [arXiv]



    2023 - 2024: Number Theory
    2022 - 2023: Fourier Analysis and Lebesgue Integration
                         Number Theory
    2021 - 2022: Real Analysis B
                         Number Theory
    2020 - 2021: Real Analysis B
                         Number Theory
    2019 - 2020: Real Analysis B
                         Number Theory
                         The Class Number Problem (graduate seminars)
    2018 - 2019: Real Analysis B
    2017 - 2018: Fourier Analysis and Lebesgue Integration
    2016 - 2017: Fourier Analysis and Lebesgue Integration
    2015 - 2016: Introduction to Sieve Methods (graduate course), University of Manchester
    2011 - 2012: Analytic Number Theory, Universität Zürich
    2009 - 2010: Analytic Number Theory, University of Oxford


  • Manchester Number Theory seminar (If you happen to be in the UK and would like to give a talk in Manchester, please let me know)

  • Number Theory Web seminar

  • PIMS Collaborative Research Group seminar

  • FRG Grad seminar

  • Lecture videos in Number Theory
