The University of Manchester

 School of Psychological Sciences



Participant Information Sheet

The role of pride in Anorexia Nervosa


My name is Cintia Faija, I am studying for a PhD at The University of Manchester and I would like to kindly invite you to take part in my research study. I am supported by a research team of clinical psychologists, Dr. John Fox, Dr. Patricia Gooding and Dr. Stephanie Tierney (academic supervisors) from the University of Manchester. 

Please, read the following information about the study carefully, ask me any questions you like and take the time to decide whether or not you wish to take part.


What is the purpose of the study?

I am interested in understanding the role of pride among women with anorexia nervosa. Hopefully, the findings from the study will help health care professionals, working in the eating disorders field, to have a better understanding of the disorder and contribute to the development of more effective treatments.


Why have I been invited to take part in this study?

You have been invited to take part because you are a female aged 18 or over, recovered from Anorexia Nervosa for at least the last 12 months and you are not currently undergoing treatment for Anorexia Nervosa or any other Eating Disorder.


Do I have to take part?

No, you do not have to take part in the study if you do not want to. Taking part in the research is voluntary; this means it is completely up to you to decide whether or not to join the study. If you decide to take part and sign the consent form but change your mind later, you are free to withdraw at any point during the study without giving a reason.


What will participation involve?

If you agree to take part in the study, you will be asked to sign an online consent form. After that, you will be asked to answer some on line questions about you (e.g. gender, age, etc.) and then, fill in 2 questionnaires. Finally, you could be contacted to be invited to have a one to one interview with myself by phone or at your home, pending on your choice of preference and location. The interview will be audio recorded for future transcription and analysis. All the information you provide for the study, online and face to face, will be treated confidentially and anonymously. Anonymised quotations from the interview could be used to illustrate findings in future reports or research publications.


What will I have to do?

Your involvement in the study will consist of a 30 minutes filling in online questions about your current eating habits, feelings and beliefs; and an interview that will last 60 minutes, which can be broken up into sessions if required. In the interview I will ask you some questions to learn about your personal experience as recovered from anorexia nervosa and your feelings of pride.


What are the possible disadvantages and risks of taking part?

It is anticipated that there are no direct risks in taking part in this research study. Although it is unlikely, it is possible that you may feel some upset answering some online questions or during the interview. If this happens to you when you are filling in the online questions you may stop and access support contacting your GP. If you get distressed during the interview, I would stop the interview and offer support, if your distress increased, I would seek additional support for you contacting your GP.


What are the possible benefits of taking part?

There may be no direct benefits to you as a result of participating in the study. That said, in case the interview takes place this may offer you an opportunity to express yourself in a free way and you could find being listened to carefully and with total interest to you and your personal experience, beneficial.

The information from this study could help to improve understanding of the role of pride in women with anorexia nervosa and may contribute to the development of more effective clinical interventions in the future.


Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential? What will be done to ensure confidentiality?

Yes, all the information you give will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shown to, or shared with anyone outside of the research team. All information will be anonymised using a coding system. This means your identity will remain private. All data will be stored securely at the University of Manchester. Audio records of the interview will be destroyed at the end of the study. Direct quotes may be used in the write-up of the study, but will be used in such a way so as not to reveal the identity of individuals. Data from the study will be destroyed after 5 years after the last publication of the study to follow recommended good practice guidelines for clinical research.


What will happen if I do not want to carry on with the study?

You can withdraw from the study completely at any time without giving a reason. No further data will be collected from the moment you withdraw.


What if I have any questions?

If you have any questions or you have a concern about any aspect of the study, you can speak to me or to any of my 3 supervisors. You can contact me on 0161 306 0444 or by email at You can contact Dr. John Fox at, Dr. Patricia Gooding at and Dr. Stephanie Tierney at .


What if there is a problem?

It is unlikely that anything would go wrong. But, if there is a problem, you may contact me in the first instance or you can contact any of my supervisors. Any complaint you have about the study will be resolved you promptly; and information will be provided by phone or in writing to inform you of how the complaint has been addressed. If I and my supervisors are unable to resolve your concern and you remain unhappy, or you do not want to contact none of us directly and you may wish to make a complain regarding the study, please contact the University Research Practice and Governance Co-ordinator on 01612757583 / 01612758093 or by email to . Otherwise, you can contact the National Health Service Patient Advice and Liaison Service (NHS-PALS), details of local PALS offices can be found at .

The University of Manchester is providing insurance cover for this research; in the event that something does go wrong as a result of taking part in this research, you may have grounds for claiming compensation.


What will happen to the results of the research study?

Hopefully, this research will be later published in a scientific journal. I would like to highlight once again that you will not be identified in any report/publication related to this study. A summary report of the findings of the study will be provided to B-EAT. If you are interested to have a copy of the findings and/or a copy of the final published article, you can contact me directly and I will be pleased to send them to you.


Who is organizing and funding the research?

My PhD in Psychology is funded and sponsored by The School of Psychological Sciences of The University of Manchester.


Who has reviewed the study?

The study has been reviewed by The University of Manchester. In addition, this research has been reviewed by the National Research Ethics Service Committee North West Preston.


Further information

The Lead Investigator for this research project is myself, Cintia Faija. Dr. John Fox (Clinical Psychologist and Lecture in Clinical Psychology), Dr. Patricia Gooding (Senior Lecturer in Psychology) and Dr. Stephanie Tierney (Research Fellow) are providing supervision for the research.


If you have any questions or require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at:


Cintia Faija

Lead Investigator

School of Psychological Sciences - The University of Manchester


Telephone number: 0161 306 0444


If you are interested in taking part, please follow this link: