Sergey V. Utyuzhnikov




Reader in Mathematical Modelling
Professor of Computational Mathematics, 
School of Mechanical, Aerospace &
Civil Engineering
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL
Tel: +44 (0) 161 306 3707 
Fax: +44 (0) 161 306 3723 

E-mail: s.utyuzhnikov(at)



Preparatory Boarding School (Fizmatshkola) of Novosibirsk State University (1977);
BSc, MSc (with 1st class) at Moscow Institute of Physics & TechnologyPhysTech” (State University) -MIPT (1977-1983); Ph.D. student (MIPT) (1983-1986); 
Life-time Professor in Computational Mathematics (since 1999, Russian Ministry of Education);
Senior scientist (MIPT) (1986-1988); Assistant Professor (MIPT) (1989-1992); Associate Professor (MIPT) (1992-1998); Full Professor (MIPT) (1998-2004 );
Visiting Professor (UMIST, 2001-2004); Senior Research Fellow (Cranfield University, 2004-2005); Senior Research Fellow (University of Manchester, since 2005; permanent position since 2006)
Ph.D. thesis in 1986, DSc (Habilitation) thesis in 1997.



Sergey Utyuzhnikov graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics & Technologies (MIPT) in 1983 with 1st class degree in physics and applied mathematics. He received his PhD degree in 1986 in Computational Mathematics and DSc degree in 1997 in Applied Mathematics from MIPT. In 1999 he was awarded professorship in Computational Mathematics (life-time) by the Russian Ministry of Education. He served as Associate Professor and Full Professor at MIPT (in 1992-2004) and Visiting Professor and Senior Research Fellow at UMIST, Cranfield University and Manchester University since 2001. Currently, he is a Reader in Mathematical Modelling at the University of Manchester. Since 2009 he is Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (FIMA).


He has supervised 18 successful Ph.D. students and more than 70 MSc students.  He has provided a consultancy work to many industrial companies such as Daimler Benz AG, ABB Ltd, ALSTOM Ltd and EDF.   He has given invited talks at numerous international conferences, universities and research centres such as Los Alamos National Laboratory, Isaac Newton Institute, Institut Henri Poincaré, EDF/ CNRS, Schlumberger, Royal Society, etc.  He has published over 120 papers in high-ranking journals. His research has been funded by INTAS, EU FP6 and FP7 programs, and EPSRC. He is a member of the Peer Review EPSRC College and UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College. He is currently on the Editorial Board of several journals. In addition, he has been a reviewer for ERC, the Royal Society, Royal Aeronautical Society, BSF, ANF, Leverhulme Trust and INTAS. He has delivered courses on advanced numerical methods, optimisation, propulsion and gas dynamics.


Experience of work with industrial companies:

Participation ”Buran” programme - developing “Russian Shuttle”: (1987-1990)

heat transfer in boundary layers with account of chemical reactions and turbulence;

Italian Space Agency: (1992-1993)

simulation of the space vehicle "Carina";

Daimler-Benz AG: (1994-1996)

3D multiphase flows in engines, interaction between droplets and wall, combustion;

ABB: (1996)

turbulent flows with account of swirling using the k-ε model and RSTM;

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics: (1996-2002)

numerical simulation of gas flows into an induction plasmatron (both low Mach number and supersonic flows);

"NUMECA" International: (2000-2002)

implementation of the V2F model into FINE code;
“FLOMANIA” EU Project: (2002-2004)
EU FP7 project on turbulence modelling in Aerospace applications
VIVACE” EU Project: (2004-2005)

EU project on Multidisciplinary Design & Optimization in Aerospace

ALSTOM Ltd: (consultant, 2002 - 2015) near-wall turbulence modeling, multiobjective optimization, active sound control.

EDF (2011 – 2015) near-wall turbulence modelling; crack detection before leakage.



§  Computational fluid dynamics

§  Engineering mathematics

§  Active noise shielding and sound control

§  Turbulence (near-wall domain decomposition)

§  Multiobjective optimization

§  Reduced order modelling







EPSRC Research grant EP/V038249/1 “Surface treatments for next generation quiet aerofoils”

EPSRC CDT sponsored PhD studentship

Leading Scientists International Grant by Russian Government (“Mega-grants”) to attract world-class researchers to collaboration with top Russian Universities (prolonged in 2014)


EDF/EPSRC sponsored EnD studentship


EDF/EPSRC sponsored PhD studentship


Most Successful 2008 IMACS Paper Award


EPSRC grant, Co-investigator & Recognized Researcher GR/T26832/01 (Active Noise Shielding)


Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Applications (FIMA)


Royal Society grant


Lifetime Professorship in Computational Mathematics.

Award of the Russian Supreme Qualification Committee (Ministry of Education)


DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Research Fellowship, later declined


The Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the best scientific paper in 1996  (certificate N12 on 26.05.1997)


The Prize for the best publication in mechanics in Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

1995, 1996, 1997, 1998

Soros Associate Professorship (Grants of the International  Soros Science Education Program)

1993, 1995, 1999

INTAS Grants:

INTAS/RFBR 95-1329 (team leader), INTAS-ESA 99-01473 (team leader)


Principal Investigator in grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR): 94-02-05400, 95-02-07721, 96-01-00448, 96-02-26577, 97-02-26872, 98-01-10538.


First Prize for the best paper, National Conference of Young Researchers, Russia


Young Researcher First Prize Winner, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, Russia




Visiting scholar: Isaac Newton Institute (Cambridge, 2003, 2011), EDF/CNRS (Paris, 2008), Los Alamos Laboratory (USA, 1999), ABB (Zurich, 1996), Daimler-Benz (Stuttgart, 1994).

Invited talks: ICFD Workshop 2006, WCE 2007, INVW05 (Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, 2011), the Royal Society (2011, Kavli RS Centre), UKSEDS Conference (2011, Manchester), UMARI (2011, Manchester), CEAA 2011, ICNAAM 2015, Numerical Fluids (2015, Greece), High Temperature Gas Flows (2016, SPbSU), Numerical Fluids (2019, Greece), Los Alamos National Laboratory, ABB, Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, ALSTOM Technology Centre (Switzerland), EDF/CNRS, Institut Henri Poincare, Isaac Newton Institute, Schlumberger (Cambridge), CARDC (China), CAAA (China), UMARI, MSU (Bernoulli Lab), TsAGI, UK Universities.

Co-chair of the World Congress on Engineering (2007-2017).

Editorial Board: J. Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics.

Reviewer: INTAS; Royal Society; EPSRS; the Leverhulme Trust; Springer; BSF; SIAM J. Applied Mathematics; J. Computational Physics; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society; JASA; J. Physics of Fluids; Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids; Int. J. Mechanical Engineering Sciences; European J.  Mechanics-B/Fluids; Int. J. Heat & Mass Transfer; Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Engineering; J. Applied Acoustics; Computers & Fluids; ASME J. Fluids Engineering; J. Engineering Optimization; J. of Mathematical & Computer Modelling; AIAA J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer; J. of Vibration and Acoustics; J. of Sound and Vibration; J. Wave Motion; J. Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; European J. Operational Research; AIAA J. Aircraft; Computers and Mathematics with Applications; Computer Methods in Applied Mathematics and Engineering; Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization; American Mathematical Society; J. Computational Mathematics & Mathematical Physics.



30-year experience covers such fields as Computational Mathematics, Numerical Methods of Mathematical Physics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics of Continuous Medium, Gas Dynamics, Programming (Fortran, C), Engineering Optimization, Hypersonic Flows, Physical Gas Dynamics.
    18 students have received Ph.D under my supervision: 
1.     Yamaleev, N.K., “Numerical Simulation of 3D Supersonic Viscous Flows over Bodies under Small Angle of Attack”, MIPT, 1992.
2.     Meshcheryakov, M.V., “Numerical Modelling Two-Dimensional Problems of Explosions and Convection”, MIPT, 1993.
3.     Muzafarov, I.F., “Application of Compact Pade Schemes for Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Viscous Flows”, MIPT, 1994.
4.     Konyukhov, A.V., “Numerical Modelling of High Temperature Flows in the Stratified Atmosphere”, MIPT, 1995.
5.     Nabiev, V.U., “Numerical Modelling Flight of a Body through Inhomogeneous Regions in the Atmosphere”,  MIPT, 1998.
6.     Rudenko, D.V., “Numerical Algorithms Based on Dynamic Adaptive Grids for Solving 3D Nonstationary Gas Dynamics Equations”, MIPT, 2001.
7.     Erfani, T., “An Efficient Analysis of Pareto Optimal Solutions in Multi-Disciplinary Design”, Manchester University, 2011.
8.     Ntumy, E., “Active Sound Control in 3D Bounded Regions”, Manchester University, 2014.
9.     Russant, S., “A-Posteriori Error Estimation Using Higher Moments in Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Manchester University, 2015.
10.   Woodward, W.H., “On the Application of the Method of Difference Potentials to Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics”, Manchester University, 2015.
11.  Jones, A., “Development of a Near-wall Domain Decomposition Method for Turbulent Flows”, Manchester University, 2016.
12.  Petrov, M.N., “Modelling seismic waves caused by a meteorite impact”, MIPT, 2016.
13.  Izzati, N.J., “An efficient ranking analysis in multicriteria decision making”, Manchester University, 2017.
14.  Zhou, C., “Study of the nonlocal active sound control with preservation of desired field”, Manchester University, 2020.
15.  Wang, C. “Exact non-overlapping domain decomposition for near-wall turbulence modelling”, Manchester University, 2021.
16.  Li, H., “Development of an efficient non-overlapping domain decomposition method for problems with boundary layer”, Manchester University, 2022.
17.  Li, K., “Tensor Train based High order Dynamic mode decomposition”, Manchester University, 2022.
18.  Jones, C., “Online stability analysis of power system networks with renewable source of energy”, Manchester University, 2023.




Total number more than 120 peer-review journal papers.

Co-author of one book

Hypersonic Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer” (Begell House, NY, ISBN: 978-1-56700-309-3, 2014, with G.A. Tirskiy)

and two textbooks (in Russian):

"Lectures in Gas Dynamics"  (1991, MIPT; with V. Chshennikov, and V. Ivanov)

"Fundamentals of Computational Mathematics" 
(Editions: 1994, MIPT; 1997, ROSNIIIS; 2001, MZ-Press;  2003, MZ-Press; with I. Petrov, V. Ryaben’kii et al.)
List of major publications (click here)
Hobby: History (books, films), fish lining, sport: chess, jogging, gym, table tennis.

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