Generation of Plasma Input Functions
Presentation at the PET Study Day
5 March 2003
IRSL Methodology R & D
MRC Cyclotron Building
  1. Title
  2. PET Measurements
  3. Locating the Files
  4. Scintillation Detectors: NaI, BGO, LSO etc
  5. "Deblip" the cnt File
  6. Check the metab File with BLT
  7. Check the wc File with BLT
  8. Generate Input Functions with COMIF
  9. COMIF Step 1: Background Correction
  10. COMIF Step 2: Whole Blood Cross Calibration
  11. COMIF Step 3: POB Model for the First Part of the Scan
  12. COMIF Step 4: Total Plasma Input Function
  13. COMIF Step 5: METABOLITE Model for the Whole Scan
  14. COMIF Step 6: Parent Plasma Input Function

Full presentation