MA3A6 Algebraic Number Theory

2018-9, Term 2

Lecture notes (complete)

Example sheets


Lecturer: Martin Orr
Lectures: Tue 4.00 (L4), Thu 4.00 (MS.05), Fri 11.00 (MS.01)
Support classes: Thu 2.00 (LIB2)
Office hours: Fri 2-3 (Zeeman C2.11)
Assignment deadlines: Friday 2pm in weeks 3, 6, 8, 10 (i.e. 25 Jan, 15 Feb, 1 Mar, 15 Mar)

Course description


There will be four example sheets. On each sheet, a subset of the questions will be designated as assessed questions and you should submit these for marking. The final mark will be calculated as follows:
15% assignments (best 3 of 4), 85% exam

Deadlines: Friday 2pm in weeks 3, 6, 8, 10

Exam format: one compulsory question worth 40% of the marks, and four optional questions each worth 20% of the marks

Books and notes

The content of the course will be similar to Prof Siksek's notes, though we may cover things in a slightly different order. These notes also contain many relevant examples.

I expect to write notes and post them here, although these may be a week or two behind the lectures.

The most useful books are:

Some more advanced books are listed at the beginning of Prof Siksek's notes.