IT Services - Personal Web Pages

Personal Web Pages

Personal Web Pages is a service for all members of staff and students at The University of Manchester who have centrally provided p: drives (this is the majority of users).  It allows you to create your own web pages and make these available over the Internet.  Personal Web Pages are designed to let members of The University publish information about their academic activities quickly and informally.  You may also include other information that may be of interest - but all information provided on your Personal Web pages MUST conform to the Interim Guidelines for the Use of Personal Web Pages

Your personal web space is actually on your personal network drive (p: drive) in a folder called public_html. Anything you place in this folder (web pages, documents, graphics etc.) can potentially be accessed by anyone else over the Internet (although you can restrict access if necessary). 

Your personal web space is part of your overall p: drive quota therefore anything stored there reduces your quota - take care with large files and graphics.  To check your p: drive quota see checking your p: drive quota.

Please note this system does not support CGI/server side programs.

Creating and Editing your Personal Web Pages

  1. Create a home page using any web page or text editor.  For courses on web authoring see our Training Courses webpages.
  2. Save the page on your p: drive in the folder public_html which has already been created for you. The home page must be called default.htm otherwise it will not appear in the directory (see below).
  3. If you wish to add more pages and/or folders simply place them inside the public_html folder and make appropriate links between pages - again each page must conform to the guidelines.

Note - as soon pages are placed in your personal web space they are potentially readable by others over the Internet.

Your Personal Web Pages Address

You need to know the web address of your personal web folder so that you can tell others how to find your page.  The form of the address is:

The easiest way of finding out this address (if you aren't sure what you primary email alias is) is to perform a search against your own name in the online directory.

  1. Browse to the online directory - or personal pages.
  2. Search on your own surname (you will need to indicate whether you are staff, undergraduate or postgraduate).  
  3. Find your entry in the resulting table and click on your own name to see more details.
  4. In the more details box you will see the address of your personal web folder.  If you have created a default.htm page the address will be a clickable link which you can follow to your home page.