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You are here: University of Manchester > Faculty of Humanities > School of Social Sciences > Social Anthropology

Records 74

Title Name School/Division Section Role
Mr Panos Achniotis School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Miss Fabiana Anselmo polido lopes School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Miss Rebecca Appleton School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Michael Atkins School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Staff
Dr Sebastien Bachelet School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer
Ms Jami Bennett School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Letizia Bonanno School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Carlos Correa angulo School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Honorary Research Fellow (social Anth)
Mr Ciaran Cowham School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Rupert Cox School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer
Mrs Melissa Crane School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Postgraduate
Dr Alexandra D'onofrio School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Leccturer
Dr Angela De Souza Torresan School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer In Visual Anthropology
Dr Sonja Dobroski School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Meghan rose Donnelly School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Prof Jeanette Edwards School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Emeritus Professor
Ms Claudia Eggart School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Postgraduate
Mr Elsayed Elsehamy abdelhamid School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Gillian Evans School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer
Dr Lorenzo Ferrarini School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Visual Anthropology
Ms Rachel Fox School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Granada Centre Technical Support Officer
Prof John Gledhill School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Emeritus Professor
Prof Maia Green School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Professor
Prof Penelope Harvey School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Professor of Social Anthropology
Miss Rebecca Higginbottom School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Mr Gumring Hkangda School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Mr Santiago Irribarra palet School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (Social Anthropology)
Prof Andrew Irving School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Head of Department; Social Anthropology
Dr Nooshin Jahangiri School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Casual Map Tutor
Prof Stefaan Jansen School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Professor of Social Anthropology
Dr Petra Tjitske Kalshoven School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Nina Kruglikova School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Research Associate
Mr Andy Lawrence School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer in Visual Anthropology and Filmmaker-in-Residence
Dr Peter Lockwood School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Staff
Mr Thomas Long School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Mr Gabriel Marques camargo School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Méadhbh McIvor School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Miss Angelique Michaels School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Ms Jennifer Moore School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Chloe Nahum-Claudel School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Sarah O'Brien School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Research Associate (mimesis in Action)
Miss Sinead O'sullivan School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Staff
Dr Michelle Obeid School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Abeyami Ortega dominguez School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Staff
Dr Jamille Pinheiro dias School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Honorary Research Associate
Mr Sam Rume School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Ms Roosa Rytkoenen School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Basak Sarac-Lesavre School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Bnfl Dalton Research Fellow
Prof Nina Glick Schiller School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Emeritus Professor
Mr Victor Secco School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Mx Ero Sevan School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Mr Jose Sherwood gonzalez School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Ms Soheila Shourbaji School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Anthony Simpson School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer
Dr Jolynna Sinanan School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Digital Anthropology
Dr Constance Smith School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer
Dr Katherine Smith School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Malgorzata Stelmaszyk School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Research Associate
Prof Karen Sykes School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Professor of Anthropology.
Miss Aleksandra Szymczyk School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Mx Seren Thomas School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Judy Thorne School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Olga Ulturgasheva School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Ms Inci Unal School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Miss Natalia Valdivieso School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Dr Soumhya Venkatesan School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Dr Ana Vivaldi pasqua School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Honorary Research Associate
Mr Jeremie Voirol School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Honorary Research Fellow
Prof Peter Wade School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Professor of Social Anthropology
Dr Chika Watanabe School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology
Prof Richard Werbner School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Honorary Research Professor, Emeritus Professor
Mr Ryan Woods School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Mr Vicente Yanez garrido School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Teaching Assistant (social Anthropology)
Ms Valentina Zagaria School of Social Sciences Social Anthropology Research Associate

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