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You are here: University of Manchester > Faculty of Humanities > School of Social Sciences > Politics

Records 27

Title Name School/Division Section Role
Miss Oluwademilade Adeyemo School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Gergely Agoston School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Omayma Al-Khaffaf School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Henri Appel School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Ben Austen School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mrs Emma Bentall School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Dhanashree Bonde School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Eve Boucher School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Finn Edwards School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Roisin Fletcher School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Molly Gasper School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr William Harjette School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Charlie Harrison School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Aidan Hastings School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Emily Jeremy School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Ms Julija Loginovic School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Ms Elisa Mendes Vasconcelos School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Isabel Morrell School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Anthony Noun School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Tamon Otsuka School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Thomas Piout-Guerin School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr David Rubin School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Ms Zeenat Sabur School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Ms Sidhivi Sharma School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Mr Anrui Shi School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Ms Shaleen Surendra School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate
Miss Alice Swift School of Social Sciences Politics Postgraduate

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