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You are here: University of Manchester > Faculty of Humanities > School of Social Sciences > Philosophy

Records 44

Title Name School/Division Section Role
Dr Raamy Majeed School of Social Sciences Philosophy Staff
Dr James Andow School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Mr Joseph Bentley School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Miss Justina Berskyte School of Social Sciences Philosophy Research Associate
Dr Emily Caddick bourne School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Dr Emile Chan School of Social Sciences Philosophy Soss Academic Advisor
Miss Paige Colton School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Mr Daniele Conti School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Dr Sean Crawford School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Prof Christopher Daly School of Social Sciences Philosophy Professor
Mr Ajinkya Deshmukh School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Miss Lucija Duda School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Mr James Edwards School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (politics)
Miss Hadis Farokhi kakesh School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Mr Suddhasatwa Guharoy School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Mrs Maheshi Gunawardane School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Miss Amelia Herbst School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Dr Stephen Ingram School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Dr Frederique Janssen-Lauret School of Social Sciences Philosophy Senior Lecturer
Mx Muhammad Khan School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Dr David Liggins School of Social Sciences Philosophy Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Ms Hsu-Nan Liou School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Miss Bin Liu School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Mr James Lloyd School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Prof Fraser Macbride School of Social Sciences Philosophy Chair of Logic & Metaphysics
Prof Cynthia Macdonald School of Social Sciences Philosophy Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Miss Anne-Marie Mccallion School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Mr Jack Morgan jones School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Prof John O'neill School of Social Sciences Philosophy Hallsworth Chair In Political Economy
Dr Mihaela Popa-Wyatt School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Ms Juta Pulijana School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Mr Ryan Ratchford School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Dr Andrew Routledge School of Social Sciences Philosophy Staff
Dr Michael Scott School of Social Sciences Philosophy Reader
Mr Slater Simek School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Dr Joel Smith School of Social Sciences Philosophy Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Dr Thomas Smith School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Prof Graham Stevens School of Social Sciences Philosophy Professor
Ms Eleanor Turner School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Prof Thomas Uebel School of Social Sciences Philosophy Professor Emeritus
Dr Ann Whittle School of Social Sciences Philosophy Senior Lecturer in Philosophy
Ms Zhiyao Xiong School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)
Dr Mohammad Saleh Zarepour School of Social Sciences Philosophy Lecturer in Philosophy
Miss Danni Zhu School of Social Sciences Philosophy Teaching Assistant (philosophy)

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