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Records 84

Title Name School/Division Section Role
Miss Clare Abel School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Staff
Miss Olivia Adamson School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Departmental Administrator (SALC)
Ms Vicki Allen School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching, Learning & Student Experience Administrator - Student Support and Wellbeing
Miss Rachel Atherton School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (c&p)
Miss Hannah Banks School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (a&p)
Mrs Susan Benfield School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Staff
Miss Amber Beswick School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching & Learning Officer: Assessments & Progression
Miss Jade Brennan School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (validation)
Mr Jonathan Brown School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Senior Communications And Engagement Off
Mr Stephen Brown School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (c&p)
Miss Natasha Carroll School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (c&p)
Miss Steph Cater School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (iag & Ssw)
Miss Soo-Yee Chan School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (a&p)
Miss Ella Clare School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (c&p)
Miss Charlotte Cooper School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (c&p)
Miss Amy Cribb School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teach, Learn & Student Experience Administrator
Mr Joe Crofton School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (c&p)
Miss Gerda Dabasinskaite School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teach Learn & Student Exp Support Assist
Ms Catriona Dalziel School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching and Learning Administrator - Programmes and Curriculum
Miss Katie Dickinson School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Staff
Mr Guillaume Dujat des allimes School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Music Technician
Miss Natalie Edwards School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)
Mr Henry Evans School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (placements)
Miss Melissa Foster School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (c&p)
Ms Fiona Fraser School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching and Learning Manager
Mrs Gemma Gaffney School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Staff
Mrs Sonia Gamarra School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teach Learn & Student Exp Support Assist
Ms Kate Geller School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Staff
Miss Lisa Good School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Department Assistant
Mrs Teresa Gould School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Senior Undergraduate Programmes Administrator
Miss Lisa Griffin School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (c&p)
Mr Robert Guy School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Staff
Miss Millie Harvey School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration UG Teaching And Learning Administrator
Miss Mary Holden School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (ssw)
Miss Stephanie Holmes School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Deputy School Operations Manager
Mrs Kimberley Hunter School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration School Operations Manager
Mr Zachary Hunter School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration TLSE Support Assistant (Student Support and Wellbeing)
Mr Sahir Hussain School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching and Learning Coordinator
Mr Shahadath Hussain School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (a&p)
Mx T Jackson hall School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Senior Technician (Digital Media Lab)
Miss Bronte James School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (iag & Ssw)
Mr Chris Kennedy School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Coordinator (IAG)
Miss Megan Kerry School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Receptionist (martin Harris Centre)
Ms Osen Kilic-Yildirim School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Compliance, Safety and Estates Manager
Ms Sofy Lam School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Senior Departmental Administrator
Mr Kevin Little School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Coordinator (c&p)
Mr Andres Lozoya School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator
Mr Adam Lyon School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration School Support Technician
Miss Kim Marklew School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Student Support & Devlpmt Officer (ssw)
Miss Laura Marsden School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration UG Senior Programmes Administrator for English Literature and American Studies.
Miss Gwenllian Matthews School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Graduate Intern (creative Manchester)
Mr James Mcnamara School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration TLSE Coordinator for Data Quality and Student Records, SALC
Dr Scott Midson School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Lecturer in Liberal Arts
Miss Frances Murphy School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching, Learning and Student Experience Administrator
Miss Amy Nash School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching, Learning & Student Experience Administrator
Ms Yan xin Ng School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Graduate Intern
Mr Jacob Nicholas School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (iag & Ssw)
Miss Shady Nowrouz School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Student Support and Development Officer (IAG)
Mrs Anne-Marie Nugnes School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Strategy And Engagement Manager
Mr Tom Pearce School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Drama Technician
Ms Nathalie Perl School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Communications and Engagement Coordinator (CM)
Miss Tara Perry School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (c&p)
Miss Emma Rayner School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)
Mrs Victoria Rees-Clark School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching and Learning Administrator (Programmes & Curriculum)
Ms Anne Roberts School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Teaching and Learning Student Experience Coordinator, Student Support and Wellbeing
Miss Erin Rochford School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)
Mrs Alex Shaw School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Arts Administration Manager (mhc)
Miss Joanna Smith School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (c&p)
Mrs Anna Soumeka School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Assistant (c&p)
Mrs Louise Stewart School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Student Service, Support and Development Manager
Mr Lou Teyssedou School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)
Mr Benjamin Thomas School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Communications & Engagement Officer
Mr Max Thomas School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Creative Producer
Miss Emma Wadsworth School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Departmental Administrator
Miss Chloe Wall School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration TLSE Administrator (SSW)
Mrs Tess Warburton School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Planning And Information Analyst
Miss Isobelle Whinnett School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (c&p)
Mr Adam Wilson School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Departmental Assistant
Miss Emma Wilson School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Head of School Teaching, Learning & Student Experience
Miss Helena Wong School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration School Operations Assistant
Miss Gillian Woodward School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration UG Programme Administrator
Miss Jessica Worrall School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration UG Programmes Administration
Ms Luxi Yang School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Senior Language Tutor (chinese)
Miss Xiaolin Zhang School of Arts, Languages and Cultures ALC Administration Tlse Administrator (a&p)

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